Here so - a clean sheet -
http://komilfoclub.ru/modules/smartfaq/when debugging inscription
Fatal error: Call to a member function setVar() on a non-object in /home/komilfo/komilfoclub.ru/docs/modules/smartfaq/index.php on line 138
138 $answerObj->setVar('dohtml', $faqsObj[$i]->getVar('html'));
Here it is so normal -
http://komilfoclub.ru/modules/smartfaq/faq.php?faqid=43At category addition in the administrator of the panel of the module it is received
0.002422 - SET NAMES 'utf8'
0.000819 - INSERT INTO smartfaq_categories (categoryid, parentid, name, description, total, weight, created) VALUES (NULL, 0, '��', '', 1, 1, 1357176384)
Error number: 1048
Error message: Column 'categoryid' cannot be null