timgno wrote:
Formuss and Mage are working or are engaged in other work?
I see only trabis and dugris, working on this.
There were other developers who had offered to help.
Where did they go?
It would be interesting to add a plugin for sitemap.
I saw that in prestashop is interesting
Formuss is working on the new theme installer, but time is not on his side at the moment.
Mage is currently working on the system module. I've asked him to create a mysql file and add all configs into xoops_version . That way we can install it (via install script) just like any other module, it will make upgrading easier in the future. It is a boring task and he won't commit until everything is in place!
I'm currently looking for event/dispatcher/request/response/controller/action/exception/router/i8ln classes that I can introduce to xoops.
I'll would like to have the above classes/services available on core before adding comments/notification/search. They will also be essential to the url rewriting module that solo is building.
There is a lot of activity going on at the moment. Dugris (and Kris I believe) is /are working on 2.6 modules and fixing core bugs. Mamba is working hard on basic module pack and helping on 2.5.6. Lots of feature request/ bug reports (that also counts as activity!).
As for the sitemap plugin, I'm sure we can have one, but please be patient. We are a liiiiiiiiiitle bit delayed.