The following images show you how you could see the theme mdefault for jquery mobile on tablet:






I'm using the correct overryde for the modules and the work to be done without using a third-level domain in the future is to be able to upload the theme based on your device directly from php
function device_detect()
if($mobile == 1)
if(preg_match('/(smartphone|sony|...)/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
return true;
return false;
preg_match('/desktop/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
If you want to view the desktop site will then automatically load the default desktop theme will be loaded otherwise the theme mdefault mobile.
Available as soon as possible I put a beta version that I tested on the mobile and simulation with Opera Mobile Emulator that allows me to view the site in a variety of devices ranging from desktop to mobile tablet and (iphones, smartphones, etc.)