There has an error. I just realize it.
And obviously, it could not work.
Xoops removes the "slash" in the code.
I try to find a solution to copy the code on the forum.
This code is good!
/*************** HACK iLUC Minify HTML / COMPRESS CODE *******************/
$compiled_content = trim(preg_replace('/((?)\n)[\s]+/m', '\1', $compiled_content));
$compiled_content = preg_replace('##s', '', $compiled_content);
$compiled_content = preg_replace("/(\r\n|\n|\r)/", "", $compiled_content);
$compiled_content = str_replace(CHR(13).CHR(10),"",$compiled_content);
$compiled_content = preg_replace("/(\n\n|\n\n\n)/", "", $compiled_content);
$compiled_content = preg_replace("#>(\s+)<#s", "><", $compiled_content);
The code above removes Xoops ->