There was an explanation how TX works.
Packages are available (should be) from XOOPS svn if mamba got them from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/gtlt or free mirror sevicing mostly used for sharing warez such as Mirrorcreator.com.
Dutch translation sais 99% ready. How can I see what the 1% is which hasn't been translated yet?
Current Dutch core translation is 100%, or there is a 2nd Dutch team ?
All core files are OK, Infidex will not plant the update on servers before 2.5.6 or 2.5.7 releases, still needs a lot of testing which I'm doing when got time.
Modules, most are reviewed, corrected and uploaded to TX (English languages are available from the selected module thread under Blue-Move forum, with translations as well), rest are not accepting translations and will be removed by Sunday or Monday.
All language files are up to date with latest announced by the module maintainer, atm Mamba, which is the only one responding to bugs.
TX is in times easier then NotePad + and Winmerge, because with every new release of core and/or module, u have to verify every single file of XOOPS or the module for changes, additions and removals. TX does this automatically. As team leader or member of team, u have only one task - to keep your translation on the prepared templates (source languages) up to date, clean of mess. As I mentioned in another Thread, regarding TX core progression, some "leaders" will be replaced as the given example bellow.
Once you've clicked on the language team, let's say Greeks
https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/xoops/language/el_GR/There are 3 columns:
1. Name of file 2 progress meter 3. date of last modification
bellow this 3 columns, there is a small light blue bar, by clicking it once, u will see the files in reverse order sorted, eg. 0% translated to rest.
Everyone is free to use whatever he/she wants, but the end result as I already noticed for some modules, are 90% for Dutch (only for Dutch). Thanks to Notepad + and outdated language files. For example News module listed on TX, the language files hosted on XOOPS Modules are for 1.68 Beta1, no idea where rest using Notepad + got their English templates.
Translations for me are:
1. at first place - localized distributive of module/core/template (well, themes here)
2. on understandable language (which not mean word by word or google translator)
3. on the latest language files, otherwise user will read something which is not on adequate position or even _AM_SOMETHING_GOES_HERE
There are 3 ways of downloading languages at the moment:
1. TX Console client
2. Old-fashion way by click/rename or click/overwrite existing files.
3. By MadFish script (if u are team leader)
Once again, I'm getting angry only with one-two developers here, not with Translators :), everyone is free to use whatever they want, for me is not a problem, it's not for Mamba too, it's a voluntary project and everyone spend their free time if they want. No one is forcing translators to use TX.