Re: xLanguage 3.03 Beta 1 -ready for testing & feedback
  • 2012/8/8 6:55

  • Mamba

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  • Posts: 11378

  • Since: 2004/4/23

in a short sentence IMO we should find more real testers rather than more language definitions typo-space finders.

I don't think that "typo-space finders" are just for fun. If I am not mistaken, they are required by Transifex. DCrusader, please correct me if I'm wrong here...
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Re: xLanguage 3.03 Beta 1 -ready for testing & feedback

Over and over again, without "definitions typo-space finders" XOOPS 2.5 and upcoming 2.6 will return in the age of 2.0.18. Few translations for the core - mostly uncompleted, bcz most don't know what's winmerge and what for can be used.

With current language files written in Yoda English or even Alien English - XOOPS will remain less used CMS, bcz of the hard way to be understanded.

And again - this are strict rules placed from Infidex
Scroll down to PHP Define statement, if there is a formatting - forget to be supported.

Quotation from private discussion with Infidex developers.

Regarding quotes (predicted question, before to upload any files):

Well, _QQ_ is used in Joomla!, but not in PHP. So, our PHP handler does not expect it to be a replacement for quotes in PHP strings in the PHP files. Currently the implementation supports PHP type strings. Let me explain with examples:

Below are the strings supported by the PHP hanlder:
"This is a string"

'This is also a string'

"This is a double quoted string with a single quote ' in it."

'This is a single quoted string with a double quote " in it."

"This is a double quoted string with a double quote " inside it and a single quote ' too."

'This is a single quoted string with a single quote \' inside it and a double quote " too.'

I hope this the above example is self explanatory. To conclude, double quote " inside a double quoted string should be escape ". But a single quote ' inside a double quoted string need not be escaped. Similarly for a single quoted string too.


Reported errors coming from mostly XOOPS files (banned cms is clean of them, no matter they're using same modules). This was and my mistake, but who the hell got the idea, that everyone in xoops.org maintain language files without following any rules and standards. And the result is present. Errors bellows, plus smaller sizes - if the language file is 37k, TX reads only 7k.

Some PHP Define files returns strange errors or no errors
of strange errors 
'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xe3 in position 101: invalid continuation byte 
utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xa3 in position 695invalid start byte 
'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 7120: invalid continuation byte 
utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 2105invalid continuation byte 
'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xe9 in position 104: invalid continuation byte

Answer from Infidex:

Hi Stefan,

We do not yet support nested elements in PHP files. This in our TODO list in the future. But I am not able to give an ETA on this.


question: Can you give example how one PHP DEFINE must looks:

Hey Stefan,

You can find some examples here http://help.transifex.com/features/formats.html#php-files


Transifex Support Team

What u will get from *real* testers ?
fully functional, bug free module, written in Alien/Yoda English, not understandable, not translatable, not usable. Thanks but no thanks, XOOPS 2.2 Mithrandir and the next release 2.3 are pure example of that. Thanks to *real* and unreal testers, u got somehow stable core, not readable, not understandable, except Wishcraft forks, no other modules are made for 2.3, and except Mithrandir forks nothing else was written for XOOPS 2.2.

I personally don't split testers on Real and Unreal (damn good game, I should spend some more time instead in OS).

Re: xLanguage 3.03 Beta 1 -ready for testing & feedback
  • 2012/8/8 9:08

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7


that everyone in xoops.org maintain language files without following any rules and standards. And the result is present. Errors bellows, plus smaller sizes

You misunderstood me.
we always had tight regulations for translations. but it is anotehr story when a translator didnt follow the regulations.

Also you are totally wrong about Xoops 2.2 or Xoops 2.3. The english language was completely correct at that time.
at that time core team decided that the codes of 2.2 are not good and the algorithm is not professional. It is not related to the language definitions at all.
what i want to say is testing a module is not just finding typos. unfortunately i see one module will announced for testing and people just open the language and report english typos.

Also revising english definitions is not just make it as a native english language.
Even native english people can not understand some definitions because these definitions are very confusing or even wrong.
eg: under the topic you see this: "You cannot use signature."

It is totally wrong.
it should be changed to "You cannot disable/enable signature."

I mean this kind of definitions should be correct.

Re: xLanguage 3.03 Beta 1 -ready for testing & feedback

This starting to become a flame, but I'm always right, since spending more then 8 hours daily for XOOPS/Banned/XOOSLA/Cube:
(Stop looking at XOOPS and rest just as Coder) XOOPS/Banned/XOOSLA/Cube are not just a code. If they're was will be classified as FRAMEWORK, not CMS, and such discussions will not be even started, who want to use the damn Framework, to translate it on his own.

I want to see at least one X core, coming close to 2.0.18 popularity. This (content)Management System have potential...


Also you are totally wrong about Xoops 2.2 or Xoops 2.3. The english language was completely correct at that time.

If you was right, I and Mamba will not change tons of NOT readable strings within the core for 2.5.4 and 2.5.5.

You still didn't get the point, huh ?
X 2.0.18 & 300+ modules, no matter of messed up strings, outdated strings, was number one choice for CMS even over Mambo (Joomla! wasn't a dream yet). Thanks to the counts.
X 2.1 followed by 2.2 Mithrandir, was released based on same language definitions, outdated, complicated (excluding code structure, which 2.2 of Mithrandir XOOPS still have some better ideas not present and in 2.5.5), got 15 modules in total.
X 2.3 made by ...who was, damn there was a time of big changes, everyone was wanting to lead XOOPS - and the end result was "amazing", to all crap from 2.0.18, 2.1 and 2.2, there was added, more complicated language strings, making XOOPS non-understandable by the regular user, read the slogan - Powered by You (who is the you, the developer or the user?)
X 2.4 was a transition release, there was a lot of things planed to be changed, but suddenly phpPP got crazy or overdosed, that's why 2.4 was stopped of development, X3 was aborted, and they're (current team of core developers) made cloning release of 2.4 to 2.5, still keeping old language files, hard to be read and understand phrases coming all the way from XOOPS 1.3. Adding new in the same style and way.
Up to 2.5.3, XOOPS have no difference in any point to the end user from 2.3.0, was same distribution under new version. Same themes, same definitions, same small amount of modules, end result for 2.5 - (maybe chosen for project of the month - 2.5.5), is still far, far away from what was 2.0.18.


You cannot use signature

It's not totally wrong, depend on the context can be used with small corrections.

By correcting every single line and removing formatting from those modules - XOOPS 2.5.5 gains:

1. More understandable core and modules
2. More translations - more users - more popularity
3. More Real/unreal testers - thanks to those translations - more reported and cleared bugs.

I can always return to the old way, TX XOOPS & XOOPS Modules was registered by me (Infidex allows everyone to make XOOPS project, or Joomla! project, no matter he is not a part of any of the development teams), to be able to provide at least Bulgarian and Macedonian translations 100% completed and up to date with the latest versions on this site. Later Mamba was invited and the others....

It's not a problem for most used modules/cores to keep personal releases on English files, modified and edited in the way they should be along with translations (there is a lot of space on SF.NET), but who wins from such ?
Back to the topic
xLanguage maybe buggy, but discovered bugs one or another day will be solved. And that module is translated by the most active translators teams this days, why they're not whining ?

So far, nor French (cesag), no Spanish (bitcero, oswaldo), Italian (txmodxoops, defkon1 and rest), or Slovaks (chaoos) got a problem with that, to translate BETA stage module (everyone knows what means BETA, ALPHA, PREVIEW RELEASE, TECH RELEASE) and to keep it up to date, no matter it's partially or not usable at all.

They have communities (localized support sites), priorities - they decide what to be translated and when, I personally, first don't have the time, 2nd - don't have the will to order which team what will translate and what not and 3rd - don't have the rights....

Re: xLanguage 3.03 Beta 1 -ready for testing & feedback
  • 2012/8/8 10:19

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

You still misunderstood me.
The popularity of a CMS is not related to the language definitions at all.
Every simple webmasters can change them easily and must/have to change them.
you think a gamer website can use these official definitions like User and Anonymous?
because we dont have the lang tool and because we dont have INI files in xoops a simple webmaster can not do it easily. (lack of feature)

all other parts of your below post are concerned codes
If 2.0.18 was popular at that time it was because its codes and its features and not its language definitions. The language definitions of 2.0.18 was the worst because it was the oldest.
Also the codes was messy and unreadable in compare with the current code and
no tight regulation was exist for translators, but still was popular because it provided advanced features at that time.

If xoops 2.2 or 2.3 were not popular it was because they dont have the desired features. They also had many hardcodes and it was bad coding.

If we want a popular CMS here we should follow to add features as many as possible. currently i sent plenty of them at sourceforge.

back to the topic I dont think any mean to use Xlanguage when EMLH can do it fantastic and Xlanguage cannot provide any extra feature. just messy and buggy.
I mean it should be sent to dead modules area and dead modules dont need translations.

Re: xLanguage 3.03 Beta 1 -ready for testing & feedback
  • 2012/8/8 10:27

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11378

  • Since: 2004/4/23

If you was right, I and Mamba will not change tons of NOT readable strings within the core for 2.5.4 and 2.5.5.

And we'll keep changing as needed, making it better and better

The same for Modules! I am committing now modules for the "Basic Module Pack RC". I am aware that not all translations are correct, and to be honest, I am not even looking at them right now. The only focus for me is to get it out and test it for bugs.

But I'll make sure that all of the language files are in UTF-8 (with a help from this little tool), and without any empty spaces.

Of course, your focus an languages is welcomed and appreciated! That's part of the the "Quality Process" that we didn't have for a while. So I am happy to see that we have now Cesag and so many others testing and helping to fix bugs, and you and other people making sure that the translations are done correctly.

The key is not to get too impatient with each other!

Mistakes will happen, and we will get better with every iteration! And we'll get better working as a team and supporting each other. And the development/testing process will get better!

If we see something wrong let's correct it, point it out if we cannot correct it ourselves, and XOOPS will get better in the process!

I think, all of us who spend here time and support XOOPS want the same thing: to ensure that XOOPS is the best it can be!
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Re: xLanguage 3.03 Beta 1 -ready for testing & feedback
  • 2012/8/8 10:35

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

I support every single help regarding XOOPS.
Im the first persian xoops translator and i was proud of it.
Also the translations are very important.

But the first priority is codes to be assure that they can work ok and the second one is translation.

I dont mean translators are unreal testers. translators are working in language files and module testers are working in a totally separate field in the code area.

Re: xLanguage 3.03 Beta 1 -ready for testing & feedback
  • 2012/8/13 6:31

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

I test Xlanguage 3.04 and these 2 bugs are solved now.

It do not save the "lang_code" field in the database and wrongly save the language code in "lang_charset" field.



It dont reload the xoops_module_header smarty for the website second language in newbb module.

But i still recommend you to use EMLH.
see this:

IMO the title of this topic can be changed to "xLanguage 3.04 RC -ready for testing & feedback"

Re: xLanguage 3.03 Beta 1 -ready for testing & feedback
  • 2012/8/13 7:05

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11378

  • Since: 2004/4/23

But I'll make sure that all of the language files are in UTF-8 (with a help from this little tool), and without any empty spaces.

This has been now completed. I think, I've converted pretty much all language files in Modules, Languages, and in Core 2.5.6 and 2.6.0 in XOOPS SVN to DCrusader's standard, i.e. with no empty spaces.

There might be some files where I've missed something, but in general, all of them should be done now.

I hope, this will help us to go forward with all the Transifex translations.

If you're contributing to XOOPS SVN, please update your files with the ones from SVN, so you don't overwrite them back with the old formats.
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Re: xLanguage 3.03 Beta 1 -ready for testing & feedback
  • 2012/8/13 7:46

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

Mamba i can see these kind of spaces in newbb after your revision.


is that space in , " should be removed too?
please leave the newbb to me i will update the svn after solving some more issues including the updated languages.


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