'databasefactory.php' : Your databasefactory is not ready for DBLayer Trapping anti-SQL-Injection. Some patches are required.
You are not using the version of protector included with 2.5.5. This was an informational message that became obsolete since 2.4.5 version of xoops. It was removed I believe in the protector included with 2.5.4 by Trabis by request by me because it is confusing and is no longer required.
If you are running the newer "beta" that never got finalized that was not removed.
This message can be ignored.
The other messages as Mamba mentioned are mainly for Developers information. It means that if the code isn't changed it will break down the road and have to be changed when the depreciated function is removed. (Probably xoops 2.7 which is FAR down the road at this point.)