English language files can't have such headers
* La licence GNU GPL, garanti à l'utilisateur les droits suivants
* 1. La liberté d'exécuter le logiciel, pour n'importe quel usage,
* 2. La liberté de l' étudier et de l'adapter à ses besoins,
* 3. La liberté de redistribuer des copies,
* 4. La liberté d'améliorer et de rendre publiques les modifications afin
* que l'ensemble de la communauté en bénéficie.
...and again, invalid spaces anywhere.
Line 35 define( "_MD_TDMPICTURE_POWERBY", "Submit by");
Submitted by or what ?
Line 66 define( "_MD_TDMPICTURE_PDFAUTO","Pdf format auto");
Huh ?
Line 122 define( "_MD_TDMPICTURE_WEIGHT","weight");
Is this weight or position ?
Mamba please put some rules for this stupid American Weight!
Line 144 define( "_MD_TDMPICTURE_BASE","save your changes are successfully");
Master Yoda is back ?
Line 164 define('_MD_TDMPICTURE_PERM_2','Permissions to display');
Viewing permissions yeah, but who should watch those permissions....
Line 27 define("_MB_TDMPICTURE_SLIDELENGTH","Nombre d'image en boucle uniquement pour l'Animé < Afficher");
English, English please!
Line 38 define("_MD_TDMPICTURE_POWERBY","Submit by");
Line 91
This is weight for package or again stupid naming on the Position field ?
Lines 48-49
define("_MI_TDMPICTURE_CAT_WIDTH","Categorie : Largeur de l'image");
define("_MI_TDMPICTURE_CAT_HEIGTH","Categorie : Hauteur de l'image");
English amigos
Corrected English files, removed white spaces
Now correct the non-English content to English and will add it to TX.