Re: extCal 2.37 Beta 3 Ready for Testing on XOOPS 2.5.5 RC
  • 2012/7/24 12:18

  • Stijnvd

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  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2011/12/14

Andy, I do not have any problems with the dates; multiple tests done. Please note that you could have a different time zone than the user adding the events, this could give another time than the one entered. When you use tab to go to the next field it is also possible that the date/time changes to the date filled in at the Begin date/hour.

I also tested the permissions further: The events from a user with no auto approve show not in the list with items to approve but in the Home admin screen my events to approve show me one extra. Even when the user is able to auto approve, it counts up with one extra.
It is also visible for non-registered users in the calendar.

Besides this I do not seem to have any other problems with the permissions.

I will look further to the locations and the other functions Extcal has.

Re: extCal 2.37 Beta 3 Ready for Testing on XOOPS 2.5.5 RC
  • 2012/7/24 15:42

  • jcweb

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Hi Stijnvd

I mean the time table in the admin section - from (start hour) to (end hour) - the time table where users can select between the start (first) hour and the end (last) hour. I will check it once again but it seems that the time table in the frontend always shows 8:00 to 21:00 (even the time table in the admin section shows 7:00 to 19,00). I will setup a clean new installation and will report after. Thanks for comment, for your information, all user have only the same time zone settings.

Greets Andy

Re: extCal 2.37 Beta 3 Ready for Testing on XOOPS 2.5.5 RC
  • 2012/7/25 6:44

  • Stijnvd

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2011/12/14

Dear Andy,

Everyone can correct me if I am wrong, but imo you cannot change the standard dates from the form. The form in admin section is only there for the admin to add events. The date in the admin form will not affect the form for the regular users.

Re: extCal 2.37 Beta 3 Ready for Testing on XOOPS 2.5.5 RC


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