Re: Roadmap 2.6.0 Discussion
  • 2012/7/18 6:58

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7

I think XMF (Xoops Module Framework) is added in the new revisions of 2.6.0

1- boredcamp

do you mean WP breadcrumb?
I think it is added to the new images manager of 2.6.0
Anyway it is a userside function and can be added very easy at any time.

Re: Roadmap 2.6.0 Discussion
  • 2012/7/18 8:16

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11379

  • Since: 2004/4/23

I think XMF (Xoops Module Framework) is added in the new revisions of 2.6.0

Unfortunately not.

There were discussions about merging XMF with RMCommon Utilities, but we didn't move forward on this

I still believe that this would be the best way to create a common API for modules via XMF, and then develop the modules to that API.

If we have XMF for XOOPS 2.5.5, XMF could be then adjusted for XOOPS 2.6.0, but the modules would remain compatible, because XMF would be handling the changes, at least for the major things.

This is at least the theory. But so far, it remains a theory.

I did install XMF on XOOPS 2.6.0, and the XMF version of Publisher, but the issues are pretty much the same as with original stand-alone Publisher that I also tried to convert to XOOPS 2.6.0. With both I hit a wall, and will need to spend some time trying to figure this out.

But it would be a good testing ground for us - to see if we could use something like XMF to help us with conversion of modules to XOOPS 2.6.0.
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Re: Roadmap 2.6.0 Discussion

Personally I think it is important to combine RMCommons and XMF and build them into the core of a Module API. That is certainly a very important thing that we need to do but combining the two is well beyond my experience level at this point.

RMCommons is still in Beta and XMF is more of an Alpha or beta version. Trabis had previously mentioned that XMF needed some cleaning up and reduction of duplicated functions but has as of yet not addressed these.

Personally I think for module developers there are a number of lacking areas at this time and alot of them will be addressed in 2.6. I do hope RedMexico and Trabis will at some point put their heads together and make THIS happen especially since last I knew they both were board members.

But until something further is completed this is more of a hope for the future thing. (Should also look at similar code used by Forks as well. )

Re: Roadmap 2.6.0 Discussion
  • 2012/7/30 18:16

  • Anonymous

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Some newer modules like Xortify, IP log and maybe some others generate logfiles. These modules don't show how big logfiles get and have their own way of dealing with flushing them after a period of time.

Would it be possible to centralize handling logfiles in the core? I think of a page showing which modules have logfiles, how big they are actually and individual settings for trimming them once in a while. Links for showing the logfiles would be nice too.

Another advantage is you eliminate a bunch of cronjobs. Just one is enough to do several tasks for more modules at once. Other modules needing a cronjob (like Xortify for contacting the central server) can also make use of this central cronjob.

Re: Roadmap 2.6.0 Discussion
  • 2012/7/30 18:30

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11379

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Would it be possible to centralize handling logfiles in the core?


I am not sure if we should have it directly in the Core, it would be probably better to create an extension module, that would handle it (similar to Tag or Waiting modules).

Let's see what the Core Team recommends...
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Re: Roadmap 2.6.0 Discussion

I agree Mamba. Xoops has very few log files at this point if any normally and it would be a good idea to build a system into an extension that could be accessed as an API from other programs. Not only centralize it but standardize them as well.

Perhaps a log file directory in the xoops_data directory would be a good start. You can administer the log files from this extension.

If it doesn't already there should be a method of running a cron type system with the core such as was done with the xoops care module which then could be used to clear up any log files.

One of the beauties of how xoops has been designed is that with extensions it is easy to add menus and settings without messing with core. Simply just adding them to the database is simple.


Re: Roadmap 2.6.0 Discussion
  • 2012/7/31 5:15

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7


Xoops has very few log files at this point if any normally and it would be a good idea to build a system into an extension that could be accessed as an API from other programs. Not only centralize it but standardize them as well.

It is already requested by me but it originally is a very very old feature request.
fortunately, It seems ForMuss accept this task. It is very very important task.
IP Log is very very simple and just record IPs and online time.
This Log/History plugin (or extension?) should be:
- group wise in a way that for example just record the basics (like login history, post activities, ...) for registered members but a full action log for webmasters.

- show robots activities.
- some kind of stats
- all other modules can add plugins to it for their logs
- ....


If it doesn't already there should be a method of running a cron type system with the core such as was done with the xoops care module

Also can be used for some modules like Xhelp, Xortify, ...
Also can be used for any scripts like PayPal callback.
As the same IMO there should be extension (or plugin?) in the core.
we can send a feature request!

Re: Roadmap 2.6.0 Discussion

I'd love to see 960.gs as default template for administration and site, but looks like will happen in 5.0.0...

- Can't recognize EXIF extension on 5.3.13
- Still gives a lot of useless information, this is stressing for newbies. Check Drupal, Joomla!, WP, rest (except banned cms, cube legacy and xoosla).
- Scroller on step 11 is not good, better to be auto height
- Protector is yes by default on extensions, should be no and rest yes (specially of remains same *censored* as in 2.5.5)
- Instead of renaming install/ folder, add function to the installer for removal like in Joomla! and sMF
- Again thousand of files in install/language/english (is this is redheaded installer ?)

- Same *censored* module :(
- ICQ and AIM - there are no such things from years, AIM bought ICQ and now there is no matter what client u will use, they're the same. 2nd - due several security issues no one uses both of them anymore.
- YIM - show me one user on this forum, that uses this back door generator ?
- FB, Skype, Twitter - missing again
- Page title shows - User Profile, but in the menu u have to view account and edit account, where is the Censor to see what's writing in the language files ?

- Administration in new window ?!?
- Transition release or cosmetic ?
- Task Groups is independent part of Users, why should be on separate place ?
- Everything users should be in one place, not anywhere u can imagine
- Task User Ranks is independent part of Users, again on different menu/icon
- Extensions are hmmm, RM Common plugins can be called extensions, but what user rank doing there... no idea.

...as overal, this cosmetic changes should be done earlier, 2.3/4/5 (same), otherwise:
- same language files, unchanged definitions, even reverted to 2.4 somewhere like in profile
- no build-in installer, still far, far away from KISS
- probably there is no and version checker and updater on the distributed modules and core

For me: A bit disappointed, expected something really new, not just cosmetic changes...., someone will say there are changes to easy the way of making modules, those changes are done in 2.3, lately in 2.4, currently in 2.5, and 2.6 will be the same. With every new core released, the number of operational modules drastically decreases. (One big plus for J!, when they're released 1.6 transition release, they dropped - full drop backward compatibility with 1.5), make it and here, once and forever.

Add INI files by default for Languages, no backward compatibility with old 2.5/2.4/2.3/2.0 modules.

(more may come later... but as whole, no comment)

Re: Roadmap 2.6.0 Discussion


DCrussader wrote:
I'd love to see 960.gs as default template for administration and site, but looks like will happen in 5.0.0...

960 would be great because it resizes automatically based on the screen/device that is used. With work being done with 2.6 to separate the HTML from core and hopefully making it more CSS friendly this should not be a big deal for a Theme Creator. Hopefully one will come forward and offer to build a new base theme for 2.6 that does incorporate the 960 stuff. I would expect this to be more of a 2.6.1 item or a late beta of 2.6 (Hopefully)


- Can't recognize EXIF extension on 5.3.13
- Still gives a lot of useless information, this is stressing for newbies. Check Drupal, Joomla!, WP, rest (except banned cms, cube legacy and xoosla).
- Scroller on step 11 is not good, better to be auto height
- Protector is yes by default on extensions, should be no and rest yes (specially of remains same *censored* as in 2.5.5)
- Instead of renaming install/ folder, add function to the installer for removal like in Joomla! and sMF
- Again thousand of files in install/language/english (is this is redheaded installer ?)

The Installer program will look WAY different when I am done with it...
It truly will be a one click installation for most newbies installing on local computer. It is still in development. The last thing I added was Basic, Advanced and Expert Install solutions. They are not currently active but they will be.

I had to step away from xoops for a little while because I had some family issues. I haven't been able to get my laptop to work correctly with xoops which is confusing since I am using the exact same install as I use on this desktop. Otherwise I could work on it while at work. (The install program throws weird errors that make no sense and my new database class gives me a white screen... No debug information...)

I have taken on making a new database connection class. Due to the fact that the current MySQL connector is due to be discontinued in an upcoming version of PHP it is very important to have a working replacement well ahead of time to work out bugs with Modules etc. I was took this on originally because of the Database competition then Simon said he had a working solution so I kind of walked away for a little bit. I am back at this this week to finish it up regardless of what Simon has available. When I looked at the code he made public it was very cryptic and not up to the code practices of the core and would need to be redone. So I will be looking at accomplishing this and making it 2.6 Ready.

Once this is done I will make the install program a priority to get done asap.

My goal is to have the Database stuff done before Alpha 2 of 2.6 is available and have the Install program ready for the Beta of 2.6. The road map has the Database stuff being done for the Alpha 3 of 2.6 and I will hopefully have it ready for Alpha 2 so it can be compared with what Simon made available and a solution picked and built off from. Expect 2.6 to make use of the PDO database connector exclusively. It makes the best sense and is what most other big name CMS's are using now.


- Same *censored* module :(
- ICQ and AIM - there are no such things from years, AIM bought ICQ and now there is no matter what client u will use, they're the same. 2nd - due several security issues no one uses both of them anymore.
- YIM - show me one user on this forum, that uses this back door generator ?
- FB, Skype, Twitter - missing again
- Page title shows - User Profile, but in the menu u have to view account and edit account, where is the Censor to see what's writing in the language files ?

When I am done with the Install program I will be working on a couple different projects. One will be to automate the Module install system and the other is to redo xRoster. This will also be a "proof of concept" module that will work on new technologies that will be built into the next Profile module. So there is no real need to worry about how old the current profile program is. It will be replaced totally. Although at my current rate we might have a xoops 2.7 before that happens. ;)

Profile otherwise really has nothing to do with 2.6 other than it is included with the core...


(more may come later... but as whole, no comment)

Please realize that 2.6 is really a "catch up" release. By the time it reaches final status it will be different than it is today. This release is to update the core to get rid of a lot of obsolete stuff and to hopefully lay the ground work for future module and core development with the 2.x branch. There are a crap load of changes that were made to better the performance and flexibility of xoops, I doubt there is a line of code that hasn't been touched in some way with this upcoming release. Once 2.6.0 has made it to final it is likely that 2.6.1 etc will not be far behind. Each new release will build upon the last and add new features. Don't expect Rome to be built in a day here. The only Core Programmers right now have little time to work on things so things will move slowly until more core programmers are added.
I will be picking up little things along the way and try to help out but I am not experienced enough with the core stuff to do major core coding. Not to mention although I have quit my second job I have done so because I have a full class load starting in a couple weeks so my time is somewhat limited as well.

Be patient.. It will get there...


Re: Roadmap 2.6.0 Discussion
  • 2012/8/13 22:47

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11379

  • Since: 2004/4/23

DCrussader wrote:
I'd love to see 960.gs as default template for administration and site, but looks like will happen in 5.0.0...

He he he!

Instead of 960.gs, we already have implemented Twitter's Bootstrap 2.0, which is 960.gs on steroids!

So no need to wait till 5.0.0! Thanks to Nicolas (ForMuss) it's already implemented in the Core and ready for testing!

See some introduction videos on Bootstrap 1.0 here

And some more videos on Bootstrap 2.0

For me: A bit disappointed, expected something really new, not just cosmetic changes.

You really need to look inside the code to appreciate the changes. Having Twitter's Bootstrap 2.0 already implemented, and both Admin and User theme using it, it's quite remarkable! And there will be more improvements coming in Alpha 2 and Alpha 3!

The best way is to look into the modules in 2.5.5 and their equivalent in 2.6.0, and see what has changed in the way the modules are structured.

Remember, this will be only Alpha 1 - More changes to come in Alpha 2 and Alpha 3.

We appreciate all your help in testing and providing feedback! That's what test releases are all about!
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