Thank you culex!
French translation update.
A - Bug report :With this latest version, when I write a message, the line break does not work.
Messages are limited to too few traits.
B - Difference :As I said in the past there are still differences in the js file :
1. smallworld\language\danish\js\jquery.ui.datepicker-language.js
Line 8
prevJumpText: '<<', prevJumpStatus: '',
This line is present in the Danish file, but not in the English file.
2. Then, for the calendar, I saw that the Danish side, you put Sunday as first day:
Line 19:
firstDay: 0,
I do not know how it goes for other countries but here in France, a week begins Monday.
If you agree and if in other countries it is the same, can you change this line 8175?
Line 8175
firstDay: 0, // The first day of the week, Sun = 0, Mon = 1, ...
C - Request:Can you enlarge the window height which lists the images of the album?
I think it's here: smallworld / img_upload.php