SEO URL Routing Module - Clean URLS for ANY MODULE!!

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SEO 1.01
SEO URL Routing Module
Sponsored By Chronolabs Co-op

SEO is a module which maintains your URL using apaches Mod Rewrite Function. You can make a plugin for a module that will provide and clean URLs for your site and module so that the system provides clean neat URL for your system. See the example plugin on how to make one for a module.

New Features:
  • Plugins
  • Preloader
  • POST Detection

Download: xoops2.5_seo_1.01.zip (17Kb)
Sourceforge: xoops2.5_seo_1.01.zip (17Kb)
Demo: http://xoops.demo.chronolabs.coop

The following is the example plugin for the module, with one of these you can customise and clean URLs of any XOOPS Module.

class ExampleSeoPlugin extends SeoMapping 
// Module Dirname for Plugin
var $_mod_dirname 'example';

// Default Base of URL if not set in module config 
var $_baseurl 'example';

// Default End of URL for HTML
var $_endofurl_html '.html';
// Default End of URL for RSS
var $_endofurl_rss '.rss';

// Default End of URL for PDF
var $_endofurl_pdf '.pdf';

// Default End of URL for XML
var $_endofurl_xml '.xml';

// Default End of URL for JPEG
var $_endofurl_jpg '.jpg';

// Default End of URL for PNG
var $_endofurl_png '.png';

// Default End of URL for GIF
var $_endofurl_gif '.gif';
// module config variable names for mod rewrite
var $_mod_vars =     array(    'baseurl'         =>         '_baseurl',
'endofurl'         =>         '_endofurl_html',
'endofurl_rss'     =>         '_endofurl_rss',
'endofurl_pdf'     =>         '_endofurl_pdf',
'endofurl_xml'     =>         '_endofurl_xml',
'endofurl_jpg'     =>         '_endofurl_jpg',
'endofurl_png'     =>         '_endofurl_png',
'endofurl_gif'     =>         '_endofurl_gif');
// module rewrite variable names and file for mod rewrite
var $_mod_files =     array(    'A'     =>         array('index.php'     =>         array(        'type'         =>         'html',
'rewrite'     =>         'A',
'method'     =>         'get',   /* get/post */
'this'        =>        array(    
'0'                =>        array('op'    =>    'default'),
'1'                =>        array('op'    =>    'index')    
'function'     =>         'getIndexVariablesA'
'map'         =>         array(    'op'            =>        'arg1'
'cat'            =>        'arg1'
'topic'            =>        'arg3'
'catid'            =>        'arg4'
'subjectid'        =>        'arg5'
'topicid'        =>        'arg6'
'B'     =>        array('index.php'     =>         array(        'type'         =>         'html',
'rewrite'     =>         'X',
'method'     =>         'get',   /* get/post */
'this'        =>        array(    'op'             =>        'category'),
'function'     =>         'getIndexVariablesX'
'map'         =>         array(    'op'            =>        'arg1',
'catid'            =>        'arg2'
'start'            =>        'start'
'limit'            =>        'limit')
// module config holder
var $_mod_config = array();
// module holder
var $_mod null;
$module_handler xoops_gethandler('module');
$config_handler xoops_gethandler('config');
$this->_mod $module_handler->getByDirname($this->_mod_dirname);
            if (
$this->_mod_config $config_handler->getConfigList($this->_mod->getVar('mid'));
$this->_mod_config as $key => $value
                    if (
$this->${$this->_mod_vars[$key]} = $value;    
            } else {

// Required Default Function for getting population URL        
function getURL() 
// Required Default Function for getting population target
function getTarget() 
// Function to return arguments in order for Rewritemodule A
function getIndexVariablesA() {
// Normally would access modules classes to find names of categories, items etc for arguments.
return array(    'arg1' => 'someone'
'arg2' => 'something'
'arg3' => 'somemore'
'arg4' => '1',
'arg5' => '10'
'arg6' => '1');
// Function to return arguments in order for Rewritemodule X
function getIndexVariablesX() {
// Normally would access modules classes to find names of categories, items etc for arguments.
return array(    'arg1' => '11'
'arg2' => '3'
'arg3' => '0'
'arg4' => '10');
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Re: SEO URL Routing Module - Clean URLS for ANY MODULE!!
  • 2012/4/7 23:16

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11379

  • Since: 2004/4/23

Simon, installation doesn't work!

You really need to start testing your module before you release them. This is just happening too often!

In this example, your module is for /seo directory, but in your xoops_version.php, it has:

$modversion['dirname'] = "sexy";

Of course, "sexy" is not "seo", so the modules will never install!

OK, I fix it, hoping that this time it will work. But no! :(

I am getting:

Fatal error: Can't use function return value in write context in S:\wamp64\www\wish\modules\seo\class\mapping.php on line 183

At this moment I am giving up....

Can you please try to install each model on another XOOPS installation before you release it, to make sure that it works?

I think, you would make a lot of people happy, if your modules start to install correctly.
Use 2.5.10 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: SEO URL Routing Module - Clean URLS for ANY MODULE!!
  • 2012/4/9 0:38

  • playsome

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 197

  • Since: 2009/4/15

I think the best bet for url rewriting in xoops is to have it in the core, some sort of rewrite api, then module devs can implement rewriting on a per module basis using the rewrite api, this is similar to how how wordpress does it, I think.

I currently use the xorewite modules hack which is pretty old but seems to work with recent versions, it lets you remove /modules/ as well as rename modules so xtnews can become simply 'news', etc

However there is issue when using the hack and attempting to use any rewriting currently built in to xoops modules.

So yea, I think in the core is the best way to go (its coming in 3.0 i believe?)

Re: SEO URL Routing Module - Clean URLS for ANY MODULE!!

Same problem for me. I changed sexy to seo and now it installs with no errors.. But I'm too dumb to figure out how it works.

Documentation please!
I love Xoops!


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