Go in admin section, look on the user, see last login and i see that the timezones "europe - amsterdam/berlin/etc." are not correct.
Yes, but what exactly do they show? Is it +5 hours, or +3 hours or -7?
Too bad that you've uninstall it. Could you install it as test again and see if once you comment these lines out in /include/common.php (around line 132), as it is done below, if the issue still exist.
// $xoops_server_timezone="Etc/GMT";
// if ($xoopsConfig["server_TZ"]>0) {
// $xoops_server_timezone .="+".$xoopsConfig["server_TZ"]; } else{
// $xoops_server_timezone .=$xoopsConfig["server_TZ"]; }
// date_default_timezone_set($xoops_server_timezone);