Hello, i have a problem between publisher and tinyeditor
when i edit an article or create an article normally i can chose between editors dhtml, simple box and ckeditor works fine but when it come to tinyeditor i have a problem it give me a simple textarea and what make it weirder that i dont have any error and nothing need to be developed
I checked the files if something is missing
I even installed TinyMCE but nothing
I gave nohtml 1 in the xoops_cache i did check Php side but everything i found in submit.php about editors is these lines
$allowed_editors = publisher_getEditors($gperm_handler->getItemIds('editors', $groups, $module_id));
$form_view = $gperm_handler->getItemIds('form_view', $groups, $module_id);
where variable $allowed_editors is not used in all the document just declaration
and a function in include/functions.php line 1280
i have no clue to begin with
if someone has an idea or a solution please share it.