Thanks Simon for the update, this is good progress! I am sure, Sadistiko will be more happy now!
MyMemory auto-translation works, but on he Google translation I'm still getting blank screen.
There are still some bugs left, at least when I test on PHP 5.3.8.
For example, in /admin/admin_header.php
include_once (dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) .'mainfile.php');
you've missed the DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR:
include_once (dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))). DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .'mainfile.php');
which then causes:
Warning: include_once(S:\wamp64\www\xtest254a1mainfile.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in S:\wamp64\www\xtest254a1\modules\xtransam\admin\admin_header.php on line 30
Please also add the new icons to the folder structure with:
so they are part of the download.