Re: XOOPS 2.5 en-GB files
  • 2011/10/11 12:56

  • trabis

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 2269

  • Since: 2006/9/1 1


DCrussader wrote:

BUG: During all those changes to the core, currently is unable old user registered from 2.0.x to change any field in the profile.

ERROR: Email address already registered.

When I tried to fill the location (why is required, this non-sense field)
To fill Google Talk, Skype.

Facebook missing description, while the visitor eg. me, point the mouse pointer over Facebook, to come popup description, what exactly should I enter there.

Is this bug related with xoops.org or with 2.5.3?

Re: XOOPS 2.5 en-GB files

Then why the captcha.php language contains only strings for the build in ?
There is no option to set the Public / Private keys, to choose between normal and SSL mode, or even theme for reCaptcha ?

All reported bugs are related with xoops.org, I don't use XOOPS anymore (Since there is nothing to be used). Once 2.6 comes out with POT by default, I can report core related bugs.
In \language\english\uploader.php
(since there is File manager and no way to install module from XOOPS, what for is this, but anyway)

Line 9 define('_ER_UP_FILENAMEEMPTY', 'Filename Is Empty');
File name can't be empty - yeah

Line 11 define('_ER_UP_ERROROCCURRED', 'Error occurred: Error #%s');
Error occurred ? Expected or Unexpected with error message not code.

Line 14 define('_ER_UP_FAILEDOPENDIRWRITE', 'Failed opening directory with write permission: %s');
If the directory have write permissions, then where is the problem.
If /tmp is 444 - then can't be opened and store anything inside, same is for 644 on some hosts.
But if /tmp is with 777, everyone even hackers can open and write there.

Line 15 define('_ER_UP_FILESIZETOOLARGE', 'File size too large (Maximum %u bytes): %u bytes');

File size is too large. Max. allowed size by (XOOPS is) and by PHP is (%1).
Eg. in modern CMS I can set max. allowed upload size by the core, eg 512KB, but the max allowed by PHP is 2048KB).

Line 18 define('_ER_UP_MIMETYPENOTALLOWED', 'MIME type not allowed: %s');
File type you're trying to upload is not allowed or something like that.

Line 21 define('_ER_UP_UNKNOWNFILETYPEREJECTED', 'Unknown filetype rejected');
The file you're trying to upload is not supported by this site/server.

Line 24 define('_ER_UP_SUSPICIOUSREFUSED', 'Suspicious image upload refused');
nor XOOPS or any other core is so smart, to decide which JPG may contain virus or it's just not written in the way XOOPS read it. Some extensions allows to display even partially uploaded images (which may be suspicious) and some refuses. Does the JPG if is partially stored is suspicious ?

When error happen somewhere in specific extension, or core bug, except for the unexpected bugs, there must be a description how this bug can be solved.

Error 404 - missing url, request not found (there is no error.php file, containing brief description of the common errors, they're planned to occur if the user don't have properly set environment.

This file can't be uploaded ! (bcz of, depend on the case) (in brackets, what the user can think in the selected moment when error occurs)
File type is not allowed (whooo, i have to set up XOOPS properly)
File size is too large (I have to contact my Hosting Provider and to solve the issue)
File is partially uploaded (not suspicious, well there are some problems between my computer and the host)
Image dimensions are too high (oops, i have to change this parameters too)
Unexpected error occurred - code: xxx (where xxx stands for the number), please report it to forums.
etc, etc.

ERROR: E-mail is already registered like the one I catch in the profile here, means nothing. Where is registered, who uses my email, why I can't add ilivanov AT gmail DOT com as my GTalk name...., did I fill rest fields properly (and what means properly, since there is no explanation for every field)
May The Source Be With You!

Re: XOOPS 2.5 en-GB files
  • 2011/10/11 13:10

  • trabis

  • Core Developer

  • Posts: 2269

  • Since: 2006/9/1 1


DCrussader wrote:
Then why the captcha.php language contains only strings for the build in ?

Because reCaptcha translation is done by the service, no need/possibility to have custom translation.


There is no option to set the Public / Private keys, to choose between normal and SSL mode, or even theme for reCaptcha ?

You can set configs in class/captcha/config.recaptcha.php
return $config = array(
'private_key' => 'YourPrivateApiKey',
'public_key'  => 'YourPublicApiKey',
'theme'       => 'white'// 'red' | 'white' | 'blackglass' | 'clean' | 'custom'
'lang'        => _LANGCODE

We plan to move configs to admin area on 2.6.x


All reported bugs are related with xoops.org

The required and description can be configured but "ERROR: Email address already registered." is 'bugging' me.

Re: XOOPS 2.5 en-GB files


Because reCaptcha translation is done by the service, no need/possibility to have custom translation.

It's already done somewhere, give me email, so I can point u to such 3rd party extension. Here we talking, not about translating 3rd party service, but for translating strings between XOOPS interface and the selected service.

Every service can be integrated, specially when is well documented, such as reCaptcha, IntenseDebate and Disuqs.


The required and description can be configured but "ERROR: Email address already registered." is 'bugging' me.

Ok filling it again and will add screenshot.
Plus clearance of all filed fields, thanks to reloading every page for anything.

reCaptcha & Askimet texts with they're localization
in BG - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/62/recaptchaaskimetintegra.png/
in EN - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/18/recaptchaaskimetintegra.png/

Examples like given above (thanks for it) are good for who:
1. New comers to XOOPS
2. Users as whole
3. Experienced XOOPers
4. Advanced Web users and developers.

This looks more like MODx/Etomite, where u do all changes, by placing snippets and widgets in PHP codes u (the regular user) not understand.
May The Source Be With You!

Re: XOOPS 2.5 en-GB files

Translating done on zetadigme administrative template, strange link with strange text is linked there

Download official xoops modules (from) https://xoops.org/modules/repository/

Nothing incorrect, except that XOOPS leads the newcomer to outdated modules which even may brake XOOPS - https://xoops.org/modules/repository/singlefile.php?cid=86&lid=1159
GS Downloads is not compatible with any of the current 2.3-2.5 cores. Was good module in past, but now all 2.0.xx modules should be moved to Archive (Abandonware with Adopt option, in case someone want to extend the development of those modules).

With your permission, will change the above link, to something containing more stable and compatible modules (well, not all, but is better then current Repository) - http://sourceforge.net/projects/xoops/files/XOOPS%20Module%20Repository/XOOPS2/

In modules\system\themes\default\language\english\admin.php

Line 60 define("_OXYGEN_HELP_DESC_2",'Blocks are discreet sections of content that can be created and configured in the admin interface. Custom blocks can be created and are typically made up of text, graphics and pictures. The content in these blocks may be formatted individually or inherit the site formatting. (more ...)');

Blocks are discreet section of ? wow.
Can be (and will be in bg-BG)

Blocks can provide additional/specific content from the installed modules. There can be and custom blocks which can contain text, JS Code, HTML formatted text, pictures, etc.)

In default administrative template, icons must be made a bit wide.

Users in Bulgarian is Potrebiteli 5 chars vs 11, in Macedonian is Korisnici (9)
In zetadigme such trouble don't exist, only in default so far, but probably will add more later.
In modules\pm\language\english\modinfo.php
Line 22 define("_PM_MI_PRUNEMESSAGEDEFAULT ....., we have deleted
(who are we), system deleted %s messages or XOOPS deleted %s messages

When in the whole module, we are talking about PMS, what's are this items here
Line 27 define("_PM_MI_PERPAGE", "Items per page");
Messages per page ... yeah
In language\english\mail_template\register.tpl
Line 3 Thanks for subscribing to {SITENAME}. As a registered member your can:
Thanks for subscribing for newsletter, for RSS feed, but not and for site.
Thanks for creating profile at http://www.somewhere.net. As registered member.....

In facebook we have profiles, in Linkedin - profiles, in Twitter - profiles, only XOOPS still have accounts. Accounts remains only in e-commerce applications.
In languages\english\mail_template\welcome.tpl
Line 1 Dear {X_UNAME},
Dear can be my wife, but not the user... simple greeting such as Hi

in some of this templates is used {ADMINMAIL} in welcome.tpl is used {X_ADMINMAIL} - which is right, and update the rest.

Since there is already a contact name, why xoops should give the admin emails freely to anyone which register profile on the site.
(Can someone mark what's changed and what's not)
In modules\system\language\english\admin\preferences.php
Line 40 define("_MD_AM_ADMINML", "Admin mail address");
Admin E-mail address
Mail is used for street address.

Line 58 define("_MD_AM_MINPASS", "Minimum length of password required");
Master Yoda is back
Minimal required length for the password... yeah could be.

Line 60 define("_MD_AM_NEWUNOTIFY", "Notify by mail when a new user is registered?");
Notify by email, via email..... mail, wondering how XOOPS or another cms will write and sign a letter and will send it via UPS or local mail services.

Line 64 define("_MD_AM_LOADINGIMG", "Display loading... image?");
In XOOPS 1.3 - yeah, could be, but here ?

Line 86 define("_MD_AM_INVLDUCOOK", "Invalid value for usercookie name.");
Line 87 define("_MD_AM_INVLDSCOOK", "Invalid value for sessioncookie name.");
User Cookie
Session Cookie

Line 89 Admin Mail again
Line 93 define("_MD_AM_REMEMBER", "Remember to chmod 666 this file in order to let the system write to it properly.");
Remember to change the permissions of this file to 666, so the system can operate properly. Where someone see chmod icon/executable or command prompt command in Windows.
(And 666 means automatically security hole, if everyone can read/write in it, is pointless to exist - the file which is mentioned above, 644 with ownership to XOOPS install - yeah, is acceptable, but 666/777 recommendations are not)

Line 128 define("_MD_AM_USESSLDSC", "");
Description should be something like this, SSL is used for secure login and requires certificate, contact your HSP how to obtain certificate for your site. In modern world CMS, there is AJAX verification, so the user can't tick the box if there is no SSL support.

Line 129 define("_MD_AM_SSLPOST", "SSL Post variable name");
Even I don't know how to convert this to something more user-friendly. POST & GET for the code.

The whole structure should be changed in 2.6 for Skins/Themes
Themes (as site templates), Templates as (theme override), Smarty Templates.(as for custom tags, no one uses so far, except prepacked templates with XOOPS). (Just found option regarding Smarty Templates, there are too much and different templates, find analogs)

When list is created by smething1, something2, something3.... is used comma (,) only in XOOPS 1.3 - |... yack, imagine how much time u will need to enter all IP addresses for Pakistan. *aaa.bbb.ccc, will not work here, if u want to add and specific addresses from several networks, IP|IP|... yack.

Line 181 define("_MD_AM_CENSORRPLC", "Bad words will be replaced with:");
All above is for Censoring, here is bad .....
Censored word will be replaced with:
In the search routine, there must be another file to every language with the ignored words from searches, if I set minimum keyword length to be 2, then words which have to be ignored with size of 3 chars will be displayed.
Line 230 and 232
define("_MD_AM_SMTPPASS", "SMTPAuth password");
SMTP Password and SMTP Username
SMTPAuth is not needed here.
Line 240 to 275
Can be good for trabis, herve, mamba.... but as separate plugin, with this 2-3 words DESC fields, how should I explain it to the user, which is not advanced (line 275)
Last edit for today:
Such things like this
Must not exists, long names of some modules to be moved on to two lines
There is a space - auto-resize of the drop-down menu or set guidelines for module developers
Max. module name - xx characters.
And extend it a bit wide in 2.5.4, otherwise Macedonian translation for the preferences/users management - will be moved on 2 lines too.
May The Source Be With You!

Re: XOOPS 2.5 en-GB files
  • 2011/10/31 9:44

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11373

  • Since: 2004/4/23

DCrussader, thanks again for all you corrections.

Most of them have been now implemented in XOOPS 2.5.4 RC and committed today to SourceForge SVN.

I think, the reminder, which are mainly minor things that I believe can stay for the time being (e.g. "occupation" vs. "position"), and we can discuss it for XOOPS 2.6, where hopefully will be using GetText, and be able to do major consolidation of translations.

Please review the lang_diff.txt files in /docs, and let me know if this is helpful, or if we should make additional changes to the format.

For translations itself, I can create a zip file with only the language files, if it helps, unless the translator wants to use WinMerge to see directly all changes.

Right now I am trying to finalize a process that we can use going forward.

Of course, once we move to GetText, we'll be using tools such as the http://www.Transifex.net...
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