All the articles created with the Mastop Publish Module in my website become inaccessible. The sites display the following error when the visitor click on the article created with the MasTop Publish :
Error : Smarty error: [in db:mpu_index.tpl.html line 34]: syntax error: unclosed tag \{if} (opened line 30). (Smarty_Compiler.class.php, line 317)
When I check on the mpu_index.tpl.html in the module, it seems like no error. The code for the files is as follow :
<{if $mpb_30_titulo}>
<{if $relateds}>
<{if $xoops_isadmin||$mpu_isauthor}>
<{$zerar_cont}> <{$editar_pagina}>
<{if $comentarios == 1}>
<{if $comment_mode == "flat"}>
<{include file="db:system_comments_flat.html"}>
<{elseif $comment_mode == "thread"}>
<{include file="db:system_comments_thread.html"}>
<{elseif $comment_mode == "nest"}>
<{include file="db:system_comments_nest.html"}>
I'm clueless now. Please help. Thanks!