I have noticed a matter with XOOPS cache modules (set in Preferences).
When I set cache for a module, css stylesheet is not compiled in these two case :
• if stylesheet is embadded (eg: weblinks, MadLiens have their own stylesheet but forgotten by cache)
• if styleshhet is overrided (instruction : <{$xoTheme->addStylesheet('modules/module-name/overrided-stylesheet.css')}>)
... is someone could test it ? I can just see problem but I'm not able to explain it
To resolve it, I have to
• erase embadded stylesheets
• not use overriding
• and put all my css instructions in a new stylesheet, called by theme.html, with this instruction : @import url(my-stylesheet-for-modules.css)
I hope you understand what I've wrote
nb : I use XOOPS 2.4