TwitterBomb 1.06
There is a templating error with the twitterbomb_category_list.html template that drops the last item of 3 rows to the bottom of the table with a second copy, this is the template for it, but the SVN and ZIP will be patched.
<{assign var="column" value=1}>
<table width="97%" align="center">
<{foreach item=category from=$categories}>
<{assign var="justset" value=0}>
<{if $column eq 3 and $justset eq 0}>
<{includeq file="db:twitterbomb_category_item.html" category=$category}>
<{assign var="column" value=1}>
<{assign var="justset" value=1}>
<{if $column eq 2 and $justset eq 0}>
<{includeq file="db:twitterbomb_category_item.html" category=$category}>
<{assign var="column" value=3}>
<{assign var="justset" value=1}>
<{if $column eq 1 and $justset eq 0}>
<tr class="<{cycle values="even,odd"}>">
<{includeq file="db:twitterbomb_category_item.html" category=$category}>
<{assign var="column" value=2}>
<{assign var="justset" value=1}>
<{if $column eq 1}>
<{if $column eq 2}>
<td> td>
<td> td>
<{if $column eq 3}>
<td> td>
This is how the template should be.