Well I was meaning that as a joke really michael, your a good dancer.. I know your not a loner, just intraverted

btw. Interesting sounds, latin is a hard chord progression to play, I am a good or was Trance Dancer use to set the pace at most doofs and have dance offs with people, don't tend to goto doofs these days since the crowd there I was woken up about.
I was standing in the chillout on 5meoDIPT from france and a school mate i saw coming around, i said to him.. What are you doing here.. He asked me what the sound was from the gabba tent where inhuman screams where coming from I said expressional undertones. I asked him why I hadn't seen him at parties and he said he was there for an investigation as he was a forensic police officer and investigating someone at the party on an account of a double murder.
I personally am not murderous so if that is what those parties attract I decided not to go to them again.. I am soo peace love and mung beans. But I spent most of my 17 - 24 years trance dancing in the aussie bush at doof parties which I got kicking off in sydney in the late 90 there hadn't been out door parties since the 80s before that we called it the doof scene reversing the word food.
i guess those years of havin drug cartels put on parties and criminals and so on, these days have really ruined the scene.. But I will tell you the word doofer or doof was one of the incarnations of a party we had called imagikana, and has spreed across the world, amazing what a few thousand doeses of LSD will do with the correct marketing in a psychedelic landscape of astrophysics and the quantum DJ. We marketed the word Doof hard back then in the 90s..
Anyway the story goes is I like to dance and has a fellow dance of a different style I would have to say your feet are as nibble as your keys.. You look good with that line of women.