I have error in these 3 lines in the Administration module when selected block administration
Advertencia: Class 'XoopsBlockInstanceHandler' is deprecated thus the method 'getObjects' is not executed! en el archivo /kernel/blockinstance.php y línea 112
Advertencia: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array en el archivo /modules/logcounterx/admin/myblocksadmin2.php y línea 137
Advertencia: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() en el archivo /modules/logcounterx/admin/myblocksadmin2.php y línea 137
Linea 112*****
function __call($name, $args)
trigger_error("Class '" . __CLASS__ . "' is deprecated" . (empty($name) ? "" : " thus the method '{$name}' is not executed") . "!", E_USER_WARNING); *****
return null;
Linea 137*****
$class = 'even' ;
$block_configs = get_block_configs() ;
foreach( array_keys( $instances ) as $i ) { *****
$sseln = $ssel0 = $ssel1 = $ssel2 = $ssel3 = $ssel4 = "";
$scoln = $scol0 = $scol1 = $scol2 = $scol3 = $scol4 = "#FFFFFF";
$weight = $instances[$i]->getVar("weight") ;
$title = $instances[$i]->getVar("title") ;
$bcachetime = $instances[$i]->getVar("bcachetime") ;
$bid = $instances[$i]->getVar("bid") ;
$name = $myts->makeTboxData4Edit( $block_arr[$bid]['name'] ) ;
$visiblein = $instances[$i]->getVisibleIn();
In quote:
error 1146
0.000110 - SELECT i.instanceid,i.title FROM block_instance i LEFT JOIN newblocks b ON i.bid=b.bid WHERE b.mid='128'
Error number: 1146
Error message: Table 'gestores.xeee_block_instance' doesn't exist