I am trying to put together a locally installable program/server app that can run on Linux/Windows, heck even Apple computers.
This is a program for beekeepers/conservationists etc that need to track their bees, hives, management methods but don't want to trust their info to third party web based providers.
It is to be an inclusive app that accommodates a variety of hive types, bee types, management methods, etc...
I would prefer it to set up as a locally installed server that the end user can run one one computer, their own LAN, or web facing, depending on their needs.
It will need to be easily customizable to give those running it the ability to change logos, headers, banners, etc... as they choose, kind of like wordpress.
I want to ask the user to create a bee yard, then create a hive then ask them a) what type of hive is it leading to choices for "building" said hive based on the hive selected. Also asking the user to choose a management "style" ie.. "modern/chemical", 'naturalistic", Minimalistic/mixed" and so on, then allowing them to choose criteria for their observation checklists based on there chosen hive types and management styles.
I want to allow users to create database backups a la SMF forum administration.
I also want to allow style/appearance changes to the web front end similar to the way admin can customzize an SMF forum.
we want to create barcodes/identification numbers for individual hives to take advantage of new smartphone technology allowing the phone to snap a pic or "scan" the barcode on the hive and automatically take the user to the information entering area for that specific hive either via smartphone or just for their own purposes of identifying hives.
we want to allow the user to identify if a colony dies and allow the user to destroy the equipment or to put the equipment back into service for a new colony to come. I believe this will require uniquely identifying every piece of equipment in each "hive" which is a collection of parts.
all of these hive parts will need to be cross identified with hive types and management methods they can be associated with so as to be able to offer those items when those hive types and selections are made.
of course, the ability to print reports and blank forms that forms are based on will be desirable.
now, having said all that, I have been told that xoops may be a foundation for what I am trying to do, not being all that familiar with cms's, I come to the experts to see if it is feasible.