Multimenu and php 5.3 ?
  • 2011/3/11 19:58

  • fdeconiac

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my hoster just update php version 5.2 to 5.35 this afternoon...

all my menus made with multimenu are now blank !!! do you think it can be linked ?

Thank for your help...

PS: does someone know if multimenu will be updated ?

Re: Multimenu and php 5.3 ?
  • 2011/3/11 20:45

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

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  • Since: 2004/4/23

all my menus made with multimenu are now blank !!!

Please ALWAYS provide the version of the module you have problems with, otherwise the people are not able to help you.
Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: Multimenu and php 5.3 ?
  • 2011/3/11 22:30

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2008/11/29

You're right, sorry

System :
Version de XOOPS XOOPS 2.5.0
PHP version 5.3.5

Module :
multimenu 2.08

I moved back to PHP version 5.2.17, but my problem persist, even after empty :
- uploads/multimenu/cache
- xoops_data/caches
- mynavigator (firefox) (i meet the same pb under IE... so i don't think it come from the navigator)

Is there another place for cache ?

Re: Multimenu and php 5.3 ?
  • 2011/3/12 0:01

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

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I've installed 2.08 on my XOOPS 2.5.0 on my local WAMPserver with PHP 5.3.4 and it seems to be OK, i.e. the pre-installed links are visible.

It seems like there were some issues reported on XOOPS France. Would it related to you?

You can also try to contact Solo71, the developer, on his Website or report it on XOOPS France - I assume, he visits it from time to time.

Did you try to replace Multimenu with MyMenus from Trabis? Would it work for you? It seems to be simpler to use. The GUI of Multimenu seems to be over-complex and confusing for me.

Use 2.5.11 | Docs | Modules | Bugs

Re: Multimenu and php 5.3 ?
  • 2011/3/12 7:15

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2008/11/29

Thanks Mamba,

The issue on xoops france is similar to mine. Looks like a function is obsolete from PHP 5.3 :

"string ereg_replace ( string $pattern , string $replacement , string $string )"

we found it on modules/multimenu/include/functions_common.php on line 538

An update of the module is necessary for any further xoops version needed php5.3!

Also, i'm agree with you about the complex side of this module. I would enjoy someone simplify it !

But i tried few times ago the mymenus from trabis, and didn't found how to create drop/dynamic menus... Is it possible ? i think it would need a js script or specific files.... ?

Kindly regards

Re: Multimenu and php 5.3 ?
  • 2011/3/12 14:25

  • trabis

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fdeconiac wrote:
But i tried few times ago the mymenus from trabis, and didn't found how to create drop/dynamic menus... Is it possible ? i think it would need a js script or specific files.... ?

Kindly regards

Did you read the readme.txt? I believe there is a doc folder with instructions also.

Re: Multimenu and php 5.3 ?
  • 2011/3/12 17:33

  • Mazarin

  • Just can't stay away

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I would strongly recommend to make the switch to MyMenus. I actually moved from MultiMenu 2.08 to MyMenus on one of my sites today. The main reason being that the type of menu I was using (suite horizontal IIRC) wasn't working in IE9, and since that's being released on Monday...

Also, I find MyMenus is so much easier to administrate and has better functionality for what I'm using it for. Thanks for the module Trabis!

Re: Multimenu and php 5.3 ?
  • 2011/3/13 15:05

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

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Thanks for your advices !

I actually rediscovered mymenus and understand it ! i'm now moving all my links from multimenu to mymenus, very easier to understand !

Maybe miss in mymenus :
- quick access to weight on admin side with an open field (complementary to the quick "up and down" arrows)
- Rename tabs (and tables ?) "menus and menu" by "Menus and Links" : more comprehensible
- Redirect after editing a link to the admin menu where we were... (now redirected to the first alphabetical menu)

PS : which one is the css used ? :
- css/superfish.css
- skin/superfish/css

Mymenus and bug cloning the block : blank page
  • 2011/3/14 7:53

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

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i'm trying without success to clone my mymenus block to create menus...

when i want to clone a block, it keeps my datas except the module linked (mid field). i updated yesterday system module on Voltan advices (it didn't keep datas before updating!)

I'm still having pb :
- After cloning the block, i get a blank page on my site
- cloning/deleting blocks to do some tests, i deleted the original block :(((((( i think i have now to save my data, uninstall and install again ?

If someone could help me to understand, it would be great :)

Kindly regards

Re: Multimenu and php 5.3 ?
  • 2011/3/14 9:54

  • fdeconiac

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 278

  • Since: 2008/11/29

After installing marquee and editing a block (marquee01), i discover that the block edited does not appear, and more over, when i look in the db :
- block "options" field changed to "array"
- name changed to "Bloc Personnalisé (HTML)" (= customized block)

I really get a serious problem with the block manager... so since i moved my php version to 5.35 and moved back to 5.2.17

Please help me, these blocks make me crazy!


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