Search-as-you-Type on xoops core
  • 2010/12/8 10:37

  • deepak267

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 352

  • Since: 2008/8/15


I am just wondering, if Xoops has any plan to implement Search-as-you-Type on it's search option. It is available on some of the website for example Google search.

i am not sure what technology they are using or how difficult it would be to implement it on xoops. However it will be really good to see this on xoops core search module.


Re: Search-as-you-Type on xoops core
  • 2010/12/8 10:49

  • deepak267

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 352

  • Since: 2008/8/15


Could you please move this thread to

Feature Request (RSS) --> Feature request.

Sorry for posting at the wrong group.


Re: Search-as-you-Type on xoops core

Would require some Javascript and likely a library loaded into memory. For that library you would have to index key words throughout the site. You could limit them to just a few Tags here and there and make life a whole lot easier.

On a site such as a xoops site the work necessary to build an all inclusive library of the words could be very resource intensive.

Not to mention that to use all of that you would have to load it into memory on the server.

You might be able to install a service on the server to do the lookups then tie into it with xoops through Javascript but this still would be somewhat intensive.

Servers such as Google are not going to be limited as they own their own servers and can do such things.

Such an index could end up being in excess of a gig in size on a system such as this one.

But if you limit it to a few tags you could likely make it manageable but then it would be simpler to just have it as an option off the search.

In other words it is possible but not very practical on a normal web site unless you limit the keywords to a few. But then you still have to index where they all are.


Re: Search-as-you-Type on xoops core
  • 2010/12/8 13:04

  • sabahan

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Re: Search-as-you-Type on xoops core
  • 2010/12/8 14:42

  • zyspec

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 1095

  • Since: 2004/9/21

Could use jqueryui autocomplete plugin http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/ with remote data

Re: Search-as-you-Type on xoops core
  • 2010/12/14 12:17

  • deepak267

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 352

  • Since: 2008/8/15

Thanks for your response guys.

From my requirement point of view. In my website, i am using a customised kshop module to display aquatic species. the database could grow up to 2000 species ( maximum). so a seach as you type could help the visitor.

you can see the module here

I guess this applies to all e-commerce website who are selliing a wider product range.

I was just wondering, if it can be developed as an optional module or so.

Now I am thinking to use Lexikon module and list all species in that list. it not the ideal solution however it will be bit easier to search.

Once again thanks for you help. It's always a pleasure to discuss tipics in Xoops forum.



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