Well "profile" is not part of core, but it is included with the core...
Although there is a small profile type module installed within the core to allow new users to register the module "profile" is an extension of that.
Also, after reviewing the information here I have a lot of fresh ideas...
I will be reviewing the profile module over the next few days in the attempt to figure out how it does what it does in detail and once I have accomplished that I will be able to modify it.
Thanks nick_james for spending the time pulling up all of those links.
Due to some unexpected requests for a site I host I have had to put any thing else I was doing and develop a few modules. As part of that I need to study "profile" to make a module work for my project so once I have documented for myself how it is designed I will be able to not only make the other module work better (xroster) but also make changes to "profile" for my own uses.
And a project of my own could use pretty most of the features listed in the messages you have posted so I will be looking into adding most of them.