I've been playing around with trying to get these scripts to work with a SMF 2 installation.
I have found that SMF (without much point) changed around their database to make most things lower case and the order in which fields are in the database have changed. So, you have to rename fields to the proper case and/or with underscores.
On top of that, there appears to be quite a few more fields in the members database. So, it is a matter of also having to try and match:
What order things are in
whether upper or lower case
whether SMF gratuitously threw in a underscore
what fields will match the right Xoops fields.
I really don't care about many of the fields, like URL, ICQ, aim and so on. Is there an easy MySQL syntax to let the script skip lines that do not match?
All I really want to do is get those SMF "members" into the equivalent Xoops "users" field, along with posts and other essential information. All of the user's personal information can get lost for all I care.