As far I know, there are many ways / definitions for Xoops plugins :
1. Plugins coded to improve Xoops Core It is a simple .php file that we add into www/class/smarty/xoops_plugins/
• Trabis :
https://xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=4733• Dugris :
http://www.dugris.info/documentations/article.php?storyid=372. Plugins coded to allow modules to interact with each otherIt is a simple .php file that we add into a specific folder, www/modules/your-module/plugins/
• Sitemap : if the plugin is not available, then sitemap only show main categories (you may try xSitemap developed by Urbanspaceman, we can create plugins directly from the back office)
• RSSFit : if the plugin is not available, then module RSS is not displayed
• others...
But there are other ways to make modules interact with each other :
• GiJoe has developed D3Forum to manage forums and to centralize all comments left on your site (more exactly comments left on Pico, and some Happylinux modules like Weblinks and WebPhoto)
• Some developers add an option about another "transversal" module, Tellafriend. Into Content module, developed by MusS, you can choose to use it or not. I believe Tag module works also like that...
Still learning CSS and... english