Thanks for the response trabis!
trabis wrote:Quote:
If you have your xoops_lib in a private folder and you do not mind to hack mainfile, there is no reason to use xoops version of protector.
If I understand, should I decide to use the 3.41 (non-xoops244-ified) versions, then I
should use the pre-/post-check code per the instructions (I'd disabled those for the moment while doing some integration and regression testing, so will re-enable them). And I don't mind hacking mainfile. I use the xoRewriteModule, too.
GIJoe is very clear on saying that protector is not to be used on public folder. Unfortunatly, not every user have permissions to do so. For those users, the original protector module is not useful since it allows hackers to do directory travessal.
Understood. I'd suggest changing hosting providers since it's easy and cheap to find, but I also understand providing a solution for those who are constrained to using inherently insecure setups.
I thought I was clear enough on what was added and why.
I'm obviously a touch dense.
Thanks for the clarification.
What I heard:
= If you can have a true trust path outside root, use whatever GIJoe version of Protector you want, but include the pre-/post-check code in mainfile.
= If you must have xoops_lib and trust path inside the doc root, use the module 3.40x as included with the XOOPS release.
Thanks again!