I'm not actually sure what WRAPS is, but if you export that data and your existing Smartsection tables as CSV you might find
Navicat (Free) useful to field-map the data into new MySQL application tables. Although you are probably going to have to split the categories from the articles, so a fair bit of work may be required. As trabis says, you may need to get someone to create a bespoke migration script for you.
To be honest, I think that 23,000 articles is a quantity that most 'News' type modules are unlikely to manage well, on Xoops or Joomla. I would post that exact number on the Joomla forum first to see what they might recommend.
I still think CBB could deal with it, provided the SQL import was error-free, but whatever software you choose, I wouldn't try to import the data all in one go!
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