When Xoopsforms are rendered, Breaks:
<br />
are being added to the beginning of the code, this results in spaces being placed in the html.
<br /><input type="hidden" name="dohtml" id="dohtml" value="1" />
<br /><input type="hidden" name="dobr" id="dobr" value="0" />
<br /><input type='checkbox' name='doxcode' id='doxcode1' title='' value='1' checked="checked" /><label name='xolb_doxcode' for='doxcode1'> Enable XOOPS Codeslabel>
<br /><input type='checkbox' name='dosmiley' id='dosmiley1' title='' value='1' checked="checked" /><label name='xolb_dosmiley' for='dosmiley1'> Enable Smiley Iconslabel>
Seems [code]'\n'[\code] linebreaks are being converted to html breaks?
This only seems to happen when ising the non Xoops editors.