majstor76, Welcome to the XOOPS forum!
WF-downloads is also a very popular download module.
I think you can use the gpx or whatever file for your downloadlink (see here in the module repository for an example of downloading) and in the description you insert an iframe, which then shows the track image.
Depending on the editor available or used for entering the description, there might be some configuration steps necessary to allow iframes.
Or with a WYSIWYG editor, you can embed it in the raw html with these instructions for adding the track image inside html.
If you want to transplant this map into another Web page, by far the best method is to simply include it in a IFRAME tag (see http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/faq.html#google_html).
But, if you must paste the code into another page, be sure to include all of these parts:
1. The DOCTYPE declaration and the extra attributes in the "html" tag (xmlns:v=...) that allow Internet Explorer for Windows to render polylines (tracks)
2. The "div" tags that contain the map and its widgets
3. Three sections of JavaScript code:
a. Your Google Maps API key and the maps.google.com code
b. "gv_options" and the code that calls "functions.js" on maps.gpsvisualizer.com
c. The "GV_Map" function, which contains all the geographic info for the map