I need to set some code to have the uploaded images in the Publisher module in the admin side where you submit an article to have the Images List in alphabetical order.
I think the file in question is Publisher/class/form/item.php
and the code that points to this images list is:
foreach ($imageObjs as $id => $imageObj) {
$image_array[$imageObj->getVar('image_name')] = $imageObj->getVar('image_nicename');
$image_array = array_diff($image_array, $objimage_array);
$image_select = new XoopsFormSelect('', 'image_notused', '', 15);
$image_select->setExtra( "onchange='showImgSelected("image_display","image_notused", "uploads/", "", "" . XOOPS_URL . "")'");
now I want to add some code like this:
$criteria->setSort('image_weight ASC, image_id');
I am not a php coder so your help is really needed. I am using Publisher from Trabis instead of Smartsection, which by the way had its image listings in alphabetical order.
Thanks in advance