Repository Module
  • 2010/2/16 6:35

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12


just a quick question, is the module "repository" available (the one used on this site for modules section)? Where can I find it or is it a custom module?

Kind Regards

Re: Repository Module
  • 2010/2/16 6:41

  • Burning

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 1163

  • Since: 2006/8/22


It is a customized module, made with WF-Downloads.

I think the best public module to share files is TDMDownloads. See http://www.tdmxoops.net.

Re: Repository Module
  • 2010/2/16 7:29

  • Dedale

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 68

  • Since: 2007/1/12

Hello Burning,

Thanks a lot, it will end my search for this module and I was planning to use either TDMDowloads or repository. It's strange that even xoops.org use custom module.

Kind Regards

PS The repository in frxoops.org is better organized with usually the latest version available. On xoops.org, from an outsider, it's not that pretty. Instantzero module are still in the module section, just to make sure we remember those great modules that will never be available. If we can't get them, stop torturing us, please remove them.

Another example, piCal with version 0.7 where version 1.95 is available with incredible new features.
...etc ...

If you want XOOPS to be viable, it would be a really good thing to focus on making it extremely easy to use for new users, clean / working modules repository is a must and not so hard to achieve.

Re: Repository Module
  • 2010/2/16 7:50

  • Mazarin

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 533

  • Since: 2008/12/10

The issue of the current state of the xoops.org repository has been raised on several occasions, not the least by me. I agree with you regarding both its state and the importance of improving it.

However, what I believe it comes down to is actually time and priority of the people doing it or, if you like, no one actually volunteering to revamp it and the "regular" admins at xoops.org being too busy (these are my guesses at least, not facts). I don't know exactly what the plan is for the repository here, but I can't imagine Mamba would turn down volunteer help to actually improve it.

Also, to at least partially remedy the situation during what I hope is a transition period until the repository is redone (or something along those lines), if you find modules that are missing or are newer than the ones in the repository, post them yourself! That way the repository is at least somewhat updated.

PS. piCal 1.95???

Re: Repository Module
  • 2010/2/16 9:20

  • Burning

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 1163

  • Since: 2006/8/22


@Mamba : could you send me tables of modules repository ? I will try to compare my XOOPS lists (http://www.babylonbyxoops.net/modules/references/) with Xoops.org repository. I could make a quick check up (ods file)

@Mazarin :
if you find modules that are missing or are newer than the ones in the repository, post them yourself

I think you're right about users, they should use more often modules repository comments ... and - if I can - developers should also use more often submit form

@Dedale :
PS The repository in frxoops.org is better organized with usually the latest version available.

... it seems updates frequency is not enough. It's the same issue : no enough vigilance / alertness from users and developers

... I hope nobody considers my words as a reproach (but I'm little tired to make lists since dec. 2008). I prefer that dev update their modules than spend their time with modules repository. But if they could do both, it would be better

Re: Repository Module
  • 2010/2/16 9:44

  • Mazarin

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 533

  • Since: 2008/12/10

I would argue that there is a need for a dedicated "repository manager" role to actually take a (pro)active approach in making sure the repository is as good as possible by promoting it to developers and users, have a good overview of what's happening in the module world of XOOPS, keep in contact with developers etc. One of the initial tasks would naturally be to coordinate with Burning to utilizing the good work regarding modules and compatability done by him.

Of course, then we're stuck with the question of who would want to take that role...

It would be nice to hear from Mamba if there are any plans regarding the repository or what the thinking going forward is.

Re: Repository Module
  • 2010/2/16 9:49

  • Burning

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 1163

  • Since: 2006/8/22

Thanks Mamba for files

Go to work now !

Re: Repository Module
  • 2010/2/16 9:59

  • Mamba

  • Moderator

  • Posts: 11415

  • Since: 2004/4/23

1) Burning, table files are in the email to you. Thanks for your willingness to help.

2) It would be great if we could have a team, and each of the team members would focus on modules within given category (e.g. first 50 modules, or all modules A-F).

3) I was hoping that we'll get a "multi-category" repository, but it seems like this won't happen

4) In the meantime I was consolidating/standardizing modules --> so they have the same name structure, and it's pretty much a manual process.

a) some files were in Zip, some in tar.gz, so they had to change

b) we needed to ensure that one module is different from the other (a lot of times the module was the same but with a different name, or no version number in the zip name, so it had to be check manually)

c) sometimes the names were very similar but the sizes are different - so I am checking what the difference

Currently I am at around 1,400 module files, but don't panic - many are the same modules, but just different versions. There is still a lot of cleaning going on, but since time is limited - it's a slow process, and I missed few deadlines, when I wanted to be done with it.

In the meantime, if somebody could come up with a "multi-category" version of our repository, it would be very helpful.

Re: Repository Module
  • 2010/2/16 10:45

  • mjoel

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 325

  • Since: 2006/12/9

i agree with the thread starter

the modle repository is full of duplicate version old and new....

new user is confused

I Hope any of old module in this module repository and also dev.xoops.org

i don;t know how is the best way to to manage it but just
don't straight away be deleted...

maybe put it in archive or omething like that


i just made an old module to work...the random quote module


Re: Repository Module
  • 2010/2/16 10:59

  • mjoel

  • Quite a regular

  • Posts: 325

  • Since: 2006/12/9

i think someone has mention of doing/modify the download module to be a multi category module before

but i don't recall it who said it


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