Hi thanks for this release!!!
By the way, i get blank pages as i want to access to any system module page! (like
I can access admin pages for other modules (protector, pm and profile)
XOOPS Version XOOPS 2.5.0-alpha1
PHP Version 5.1.3RC4-dev
mySQL Version 5.0.83
Server API cgi-fcgi
OS Linux
safe_mode On
register_globals Off
magic_quotes_gpc On
allow_url_fopen On
fsockopen On
post_max_size 3M
max_input_time 60
max_execution_time 20
memory_limit 32M
file_uploads On
upload_max_filesize 2M
Can the problem come from this :
WARNING: Folder /mnt/165/sdb/b/f/mysite/secure/xoops_lib is inside DocumentRoot! For security considerations it is highly suggested to move it out of DocumentRoot.
WARNING: Folder /mnt/165/sdb/b/f/mysite/secure/xoops_data is inside DocumentRoot! For security considerations it is highly suggested to move it out of DocumentRoot.
secure folder is 777 permissions
Thanks for your answers!
EDIT : System module in XOOPS 2.5 need PHP 5.2 !