Hi All,
I am planning to add a product review module on
my website. Where visitor can post their experience about different products. It's no different than the review about electronic devices, cameras, movies etcs...
I need to maintain reviews
1. With categories, sub categories, brands etc..
2. Upload pictures of the product
3. User to comment
4. user to rate the products (like 5 star ratings)
After reading a lot on xoops.org or even other forum, I understand that it may be easier to use wordpress to achieve this.
Could you suggest if Xpress (wordpress for xoops) is the right choice or not.
if Yes, suggest what is the latest version of Xpress and where can I download it.
if No, what other module I should try.
I am using XOOPS v2.3.1 on a shared hosting so may not be able to upgrade my XOOPS core so easily.
Thanks in advance.