Right! I'm not sure if this is relevant but it might mean something to a developer. The warnings are triggered by this instance of insertUser near the end of my code fragment.
// always cancel the pending email if we get to here
$edituser->setVar('pending_email', '');
$edituser->setVar('pending_key', '');
if (! $member_handler->insertUser($edituser)) {
include $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('header.php');
echo $edituser->getHtmlErrors();
include $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('footer.php');
} else {
redirect_header('userinfo.php?uid=' . $uid, 1, _US_PROFUPDATED);
Curiously, if I change the values for pending_email and pending_key to anything longer than an empty string I get a different warning.
Warning: Database updates are not allowed during processing of a GET request in file /class/database/mysqldatabase.php line 400
I should add that $member_handler->insertUser() returns true despite the database values not being updated. The warnings come from the inline debug
I'm stumped.