as long as your module will get approved for inclusion by the Modules Team
Will a XOOPS module maintainer status be created ?
I like the way Debian works : packages are maintained by a Debian developer.
It can be the same for XOOPS modules (and languages packs, editors, themes) : a XOOPS developer is responsible for making the XOOPS package, testing it, report the bugs to the module/theme/editor/language pack developer and help resolve it, and propose it for inclusion into the repository.
Maybe, like it's done with Debian repository, 3 repositories can be created :
- Unstable : for packages which are being tested by the XOOPS dev. or are in alpha stage of development
- Testing : for packages tested and declared usable on a test website.
- Stable : packages declared usable on a production website
With the upcoming XOOPS 2.5 and XOOPS 3, maybe it is a good time to do this ?
Becoming a Debian developer takes some times (a year or so), you need a mentor, and a good knowledge of Debian policies, community, and manuals.
We could take example on Debian and set this learning process ?
This system includes that there are 3 dist of XOOPS : unstable, testing, and stable.
Stable dist of Debian is
really reliable. We could propose a stable release of XOOPS which requires no critical bug in any packages including core, that would be an example CMS just as Debian stable is a reference in the Linux world.
Another advantage : testers (anyone) can install the unstable or testing dist and report bugs to XOOPS packages maintainers.
You might have already thing of all this, I just wanted to give my opinion :)