I wish to give a different background color to the link of the page on which the visitor is currently in the the site menu.
Its like the XOOPS WOX theme where when we go to the forums the background color for the forum link changes to light blue (see the horizontal links on this page) and the same applies to all the links when you are on that page whether its xoops, faq, forum, news, themes or modules.
I understand that these are all different modules and the links are most probably manually coded in the theme, so both yours and kris methods would work by either adding a module specific rule or adding a different id to each link and add css rules for each of them.
My problem is that I am not adding the links to the theme manually, the menu gets generated using the "dhtml site menu block" of the content module 1.3.
So I can not write a module specific code as all links belong to the content module and also can not use the id method mentioned by kris as the content module does not add a separate id for each link.