Soap in the Shower & The System Key

Hi all how are you doing? Once again we luckly which is somewhat in clause what is been happening we have noticed an unsual error on xoops.org tho with 2.4.0 b2 (which is really unusal).. For example if you gotohttp://international.xoops.org in mozilla you will see mozilla report an 'Unknown Compression Algorithm' which means there is something that is not decompressing there, which is extremely odd. But for example it is not affluent onhttp://no.xoops.org but is onhttp://cn.xoops.org and so on. We have been issue as previously the same keys as you can see the striping may have been changed but this is only occurring in the main development circles. (Remember I am Earling Andersen in write back to myself from a Norwegian perspective. If you would like to see the same bit step key of the CRC, triangulate (trigonometry) words and characters as fractals with c1, c2, c3 (without heaps of filters) have a look at this ::http://cid-6580d2a11c091017.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Windows%20Titles/Augmented%20Fractals.msi (Also runs with wine on ubuntu). The geeks shower also as some have noted all the way through attempting to log in or register has not been impressionally right, there is no error reported back to 2.0.14 which it started with.. So I have managed to get SOAP working though on all systems.. You can interact if you want with the showers soap port as much as you want with guest access: Quote:
member: guest password: guest
If you are looking for a class to load for periodic random changes in your system key so it cycles and re-issues in this example you would have the checksum (which is also true XOOPS has it's own hashinfo this way which is yours).. this would be a class example: Your code view::
 You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
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 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

 * *#@+
 * XOOPS Return CRC Class
include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/checksums/xoopsreturncrc.php';


system_key {

srand((((float)('0'.substr(microtime(),strpos(microtime(), ' ')+1,strlen(microtime())-strpos(microtime(), ' ')+1)))*mt_rand(30,99999)));
$time rand(160,250);
$buffer XoopsCache::read('system_key_timer');
        if (
$buffer<$time) {
XoopsCache::write('system_key_timer'$time$time)) {
$sql "UPDATE " $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->prefix('config') . " SET conf_value = '".$this->buildXoopsSystemKey()."' WHERE conf_modid = 0 AND conf_catid = 1 AND conf_name = 'systemkey'";
$result *= $GLOBALS['xoopsDB']->queryF$sql );

buildXoopsSystemKey() {
$xoops_serdat = array();
srand((((float)('0'.substr(microtime(),strpos(microtime(), ' ')+1,strlen(microtime())-strpos(microtime(), ' ')+1)))*mt_rand(30,99999)));
$checksums = array( => 'xoopsCRC'=> 'xoopsFLA'=> 'xoopsTLA');
$type rand(13);

$_SERVER as $key => $data)
            if (
$xoopskey XoopsCRC(serialize($data), 00$checksums[$type]))
$xoops_serdat[$key] = $xoopskey['key'];
$_REQUEST as $key => $data)
            if (
$xoopskey XoopsCRC(serialize($data), 00$checksums[$type]))
$xoops_serdat[$key] = $xoopskey['key'];
$_GLOBALS as $key => $data)
            if (
$xoopskey XoopsCRC(serialize($data), 00$checksums[$type]))
$xoops_serdat[$key] = $xoopskey['key'];

        if (
$xoopskey XoopsCRC(__FILE__00$checksums[$type]))
$xoops_serdat['file'] = $xoopskey['key'];
        if (
$xoopskey XoopsCRC(basename(__FILE__), 00$checksums[$type]))
$xoops_serdat['basename'] = $xoopskey['key'];
        if (
$xoopskey XoopsCRC(dirname(__FILE__), 00$checksums[$type]))
$xoops_serdat['path'] = $xoopskey['key'];
        if (
$xoopskey XoopsCRC(microtime(), 00$checksums[$type]))
$xoops_serdat['time'] = $xoopskey['key'];
$xoops_serdat as $key => $data){
$lpop rand(3rand(5,30));
$xoops_key .= substr($datarand(0strlen($data)-$lpop), $lpop);
        while (
strlen($xoops_key)>49) {
$lpos rand(5strlen($xoops_key));
$xoops_key substr($xoops_key0$lpos).substr($xoops_key$lpos+1strlen($xoops_key)-($lpos+1));

$ret .= substr($xoops_key07).'-';
$ret .= substr($xoops_key814).'-';
$ret .= substr($xoops_key1521).'-';
$ret .= substr($xoops_key2228).'-';
$ret .= substr($xoops_key2935).'-';
$ret .= substr($xoops_key3642).'-';
$ret .= substr($xoops_key4349);


$syskey = new system_key();
If you are wondering why I am in the girls shower, that is because what water and soul groups are! Yes you Monarch Princess Hawette, and I am not really a john (PM) and that Go board we asked you to play around for a bit - seeming no one plays chess here. Subby there who is the theme, normally a TV Celebrity but you know someone has to check.


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