XOOPS Version - XOOPS 2.3.3
PHP Version - 5.2.10
MySQL Version - 5.0.81-community
Server API Version - apache2handler
OS Version - Linux
I tried to modify Profile 1.52 module that came along with XOOPS 2.3.3.
For the search result page, I want to display Avatar and Username instead of Email and Username exactly like search_result page in yogurt module. I tried to modify search.php file but could not make the avatar display.
Here is what I mofify in line 360:-
//Sort information
foreach (array_keys($users) as $k) {
$userarray = array();
$userarray["output"][] = "
" . $users[$k]->getVar('uname') . "";
$userarray["output"][] = "
Can someone help me to fix this.