Hey all
First post here, so if its placed in the wrong category, sorry in advance! :)
Now to my problem. I have recently gotten a XOOPS installed for a website im running (I haven't made the website myself) but unfortunately it crashed the other day. I managed to get a backup up and running but the menu has been changed to "default", not the cool one I had before. The maker of the website is not responding atm and I really need the website running by 1st of August.
The main thing is the menu. You can see the website on
The menu i had before looked alot like the top banner with some orange in it. The menu was also just under the header with all the login info etc in the left side. Also the background has changed to a dull white instead of a nice grey/black one.
The point of all this is not to find someone to fix, because I would like to fix it myself of obvious reasons. I would like to know where to look for the "original" design and where to edit the webpage accordingly.
Really hope all this makes sense, tried my best to explain! :)
Have a nice day