First problem: in “Edit Field” Default date is required
Maybe an option “no default date” could help to make it mandatory to enter a date?
Yes, I think this is needed for a check of a mandatory field. Ugly will be in this case that the date proposed is 1970.
But this can maybe circumvented by showing the field empty in this case and the calendar after popup shows today.
Why date are saved as INT(10)?
It is stored as seconds past a date and contains thus a date and time. Futhermore it is very efficient for searching and sorting and calculating periods.
Storing it in ascii will severely degrade this. Has to stay!
Hi I prefer a dropdown selection date.
The calendar is the most flexible and very often used through the internet. The dropdown generate long lists and is mostly used where only limited selections apply eg credit card validation.
Because you can select independent the day and month, illegal combinations as 31 february can be formed, which complicate verification. If you would use a dropdown, there need also to be specified a starting and ending year in some (system wide) preferences.
Maybe easier for users, but complicater to program.