Community Request: I would like to ask if we can have this post translated into as many languages as possible and help in the drive of creating more multi-language modules.
Language is an important factor within our life, it enables us to relate to others through the art of speech, unfortunately not everyone studies the same art as one another and that can lead to confusion and misinterpretation and we can’t have that can we.
All module developers are now encouraged to come forward and ask the community for help in translations, either with module language defines, module documentation or both.
You are welcome to attach the file/s you wish to have translated to your post or paste the whole document, which ever is easier for developer and translator.
Notice to the Community: Please help make XOOPS modules have better multi-lanaguge capabilities and help with module developer’s language requests.
Sometimes it doesn’t take a hour to do or you can use many of the translation tools available instead.