Sorry, I thought you wanted to set the reads back to zero.
Anyway, if you want to remove the read count from the template do this:
Edit root/modules/news/templates/news_item.html and around line 13, you will see the following line:
<td class="itemInfo"><{if $story.files_attached}><{$story.attached_link}> <{/if}><{if $story.poster != ''}><span class="itemPoster"><{$lang_postedby}> <{$story.poster}>span><{/if}> <span class="itemPostDate"><{$lang_on}> <{$story.posttime}>span> (<span class="itemStats"><{$story.hits}> <{$lang_reads}>span>) <{$news_by_the_same_author_link}>td>
Look for <{$lang_reads}> within this line and remove it, save the file, and then go into module admin and update the news module.