99.9% finished and would like your thoughts
  • 2009/1/6 9:42

  • munky2020

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2008/11/25

This is my site aimed at providing exclusive coupons for local businesses in my area. I am using the subscription module by thirdeyesoftware. (They are the best, I recommend for charging for membership to your site) My site is free for businesses to use but I am charging $3 for customers to sign up and have access to the coupons. Test it out with login: demo pass:demo I am hoping to get at least 1000 people to pay $3 each yay!

Re: 99.9% finished and would like your thoughts
  • 2009/1/6 11:39

  • noo-b

  • Just can't stay away

  • Posts: 456

  • Since: 2007/10/23

nice concept and nice design

may i know what XOOPS version are you using ?
I Love Xoops

Re: 99.9% finished and would like your thoughts
  • 2009/1/6 17:29

  • webmystar

  • Friend of XOOPS

  • Posts: 415

  • Since: 2008/6/23

jep very nice, Good luck!

Re: 99.9% finished and would like your thoughts
  • 2009/1/6 17:37

  • kevcar

  • Not too shy to talk

  • Posts: 127

  • Since: 2007/6/2 1

Nice idea, but I see a problem, if a customer registers with you all they have to do, is print loads of coupons and give them to their family and friends, so you could end up out of pocket, would it be better for companies to pay you a fee to place coupons on your website, just a thought

Re: 99.9% finished and would like your thoughts
  • 2009/1/6 17:56

  • alphamonk

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 10

  • Since: 2008/9/23

Sweet concept and a very nicely laid out navigation for this site. We use coupons weekly for things like restaurants and automotive services at my house, I would need a good incentive to pay for a coupon service, maybe explaining to me how much I could save might convince me, or something along that line.

Re: 99.9% finished and would like your thoughts
  • 2009/1/6 21:43

  • munky2020

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2008/11/25

noo-b said Quote:
may i know what XOOPS version are you using ?

im using version 2.3

kevcar said Quote:
Nice idea, but I see a problem, if a customer registers with you all they have to do, is print loads of coupons and give them to their family and friends, so you could end up out of pocket, would it be better for companies to pay you a fee to place coupons on your website, just a thought

true paying customers could print extra copies for their friends and family, but there is over 100,000 people in my area so if i got 1000-3000 of them, then id be happy and i wouldnt be out of money because im not paying for the coupons, the businesses would only get extra business for the copied coupons. If this happens they might even consider paying for advertising on my site.

alphamonk said Quote:
Sweet concept and a very nicely laid out navigation for this site. We use coupons weekly for things like restaurants and automotive services at my house, I would need a good incentive to pay for a coupon service, maybe explaining to me how much I could save might convince me, or something along that line.

Once i get a bunch of coupons on here i was going to show how much you would save every month, and also offer giveaways as an incentive. i plan on giving a 32 inch flat screen tv away once my membership hits at least 1000. I figure it will cost $500 for the tv but by then my memberships will be up to $3000. That tidbit is in the rules of the give aways.

Re: 99.9% finished and would like your thoughts
  • 2009/1/23 14:29

  • swata

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2008/8/8 2

Nice design and a good concept.. Were did you get your template?

Re: 99.9% finished and would like your thoughts
  • 2009/1/23 14:57

  • Bleekk

  • Theme Designer

  • Posts: 941

  • Since: 2002/12/14

see the theme here

download information here

Re: 99.9% finished and would like your thoughts
  • 2009/1/23 22:44

  • swata

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 8

  • Since: 2008/8/8 2

thanks for the links

Re: 99.9% finished and would like your thoughts
  • 2009/1/26 4:38

  • munky2020

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 16

  • Since: 2008/11/25

if u need some help, ive gotten some bits of code that changes certain things in the news module to display by date or by alphabetical order along with a A-Z selectable links


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