I have suddenly got a problem with my yogurt module, only on one user account though so it is confusing me... The error message I am getting is:
Bad, Bad Module... No Cachaga for you! Unfortunately this module acted in an unexpected way. Hopefully it will return to its helpful self if you try again.
So I turned debug on and got this error:
Undefined index: uid in file /modules/yogurt/album.php line 138.
So I looked on that line and I have this code:
$barra_navegacao = new XoopsPageNav($nbSections['nbPhotos'],$xoopsModuleConfig['picturesperpage'],$start,"start","uid=".$_GET['uid']);
I would think there was a problem with this code if it was doing this for everyone, but only one of my members has complained about it...I logged into their account thinking it may be their computer and it does the same on my computer? Very weird.
If anyone can shed any light on it I would appreciate it.
Thanks in Advance.