Re: How ro upgrade from xoops 2.0.15 to latest version (2.3.2b) ?
  • 2008/12/18 15:38

  • ravinata

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2006/7/23

Points to note:
my website is under http://www.domainname.com/portal
and hence, the portal is the htdocs folder / root folder for the xoops. the mainfile.php exists in that folder and all the other files. this website has been in production since 2 years and have over 500 members.

NOTE: current version: XOOPS 2.0.15, upgrading to xoops-2.3.2b.

I uploaded the files htdocs.zip with the upgrade package inside it (moved it inside htdocs). then followed the instructions correctly. then invoked /upgrade. the login.php line 63 was the first error. it cannot find the method or variable. ---- we have to find out why this occurred.

cpanel, extract zip file does not allow to overwrite. hence, today morning I again uploaded all the files via ftpZilla.

if you wish to try it yourself, I can provide you the URL. please email me at ravi@natarajan.net
Ravi N

Re: How ro upgrade from xoops 2.0.15 to latest version (2.3.2b) ?
  • 2008/12/19 4:49

  • ravinata

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2006/7/23

Thanks. I ftp'ed the files again.

Now, How to reset and start everything again? I downloaded again this website, again made changes and uploaded overwriting all files (wile fileZilla). Again I am getting the same issue. login.php, line 63. hence, I have to comment this line to login...
the checksum.php also fails.

Re: How ro upgrade from xoops 2.0.15 to latest version (2.3.2b) ?
  • 2008/12/19 4:53

  • irmtfan

  • Module Developer

  • Posts: 3419

  • Since: 2003/12/7


the checksum.php also fails

so you still dont upload files correctly.
try again.

Re: How ro upgrade from xoops 2.0.15 to latest version (2.3.2b) ?
  • 2008/12/19 10:30

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1

Did you do the required preparations on your LOCAL machine as described in points 1 and 2?

Re: How ro upgrade from xoops 2.0.15 to latest version (2.3.2b) ?
  • 2008/12/19 15:21

  • ravinata

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2006/7/23

Yes, I followed the steps as in the relase notes initially when I uploaded and unzipped.
Upgrading from XOOPS 2.0.* above 2.0.14 and 2.2.* (using the full package)
1. Move the "upgrade" folder inside the "htdocs" folder (it's been kept out as it's not needed for full installs) on your local machine
2. Delete htdocs/mainfile.php, htdocs/install/, htdocs/cache/, htdocs/extras/, htdocs/template_c/, htdocs/themes/ and htdocs/uploads/ from the "htdocs" folder on your LOCAL machine
3. Upload the content of the htdocs folder on your LOCAL machine over your existing files on your server
4. For security considerations, you are encouraged to move directories xoops_lib (for XOOPS libraries) and xoops_data (for XOOPS data) out of document root, or even change the folder names.
5. Make the directory of xoops_data/ writable; Create and make the directories of xoops_data/caches/, xoops_data/caches/xoops_cache/, xoops_data/caches/smarty_cache/ and xoops_data/caches/smarty_compile/ writable.
6. Ensure the server can write to mainfile.php
7. Access /upgrade/ with a browser, and follow the instructions
8. Follow the instructions to update your database
9. Write-protect mainfile.php again
10. Delete the upgrade folder from your server
11. Update the "system" module from the modules administration interface, other modules are recommended to update as well

Re: How ro upgrade from xoops 2.0.15 to latest version (2.3.2b) ?
  • 2008/12/19 15:47

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1

The checksum.php should run. If there are errors, that mean some files are not overwritten or missing.
Your ZIP should report 3329 files and 13253KB. If not, try to download a new copy from sourceforge.

Re: How ro upgrade from xoops 2.0.15 to latest version (2.3.2b) ?
  • 2008/12/19 19:02

  • ravinata

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2006/7/23

OK. I downloaded, uploaded all files individually. ran the checksum.php and it gave a few errors which seems to be ok.
I was able to execute the /uprade successfully.

But, now, my website is blanks. when I access the website, it has a blank page.

BTW., I have reset permissions on the mainfile.php and have made it as 444.

I need to now get my website up and running. I appreciate any info.

(Note: I just searched this forum, downloaded the German fix (security_patch_01) and replaced the include/checklogin.php and include/common.php files.)

I also cleared my cache. (/cache -- all files in it).

But, when I access my wesite is is a 'BLANK PAGE'. I have to fix it ASAP. now.

Re: How ro upgrade from xoops 2.0.15 to latest version (2.3.2b) ?
  • 2008/12/19 23:54

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1

OK. I downloaded, uploaded all files individually. ran the checksum.php and it gave a few errors which seems to be ok.
There should be none! be careful in assuming it is ok to proceed!
But, when I access my wesite is is a 'BLANK PAGE'.
Try to set all your blocks to invisible.

Re: How ro upgrade from xoops 2.0.15 to latest version (2.3.2b) ?
  • 2008/12/20 0:58

  • ravinata

  • Just popping in

  • Posts: 13

  • Since: 2006/7/23

Well, This is an update and not an install.
when checksum.php was run, it gave an error for,
./class/theme.php content invalid
./class/xoopscomments.php content invalid
./class/xoopslists.php content invalid
./class/xoopsstory.php content invalid
./class/mail/phpmailer/language/phpmailer.lang-fo.php content invalid
./class/mail/phpmailer/language/phpmailer.lang-tr.php content invalid
./class/smarty/Smarty_Compiler.class.php content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/fckeditor/fckeditor/_whatsnew_history.html content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/fckeditor/fckeditor/editor/dialog/fck_tablecell.html content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/fckeditor/fckeditor/editor/js/fckeditorcode_ie.js content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/fckeditor/fckeditor/editor/lang/es.js content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/fckeditor/fckeditor/editor/lang/gl.js content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/fckeditor/fckeditor/editor/lang/nl.js content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/fckeditor/fckeditor/editor/lang/pt.js content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/koivi/koivieditor/include/js/xhtml.js content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/tinymce/settings.php content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce.js content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce_src.js content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/plugins/fullpage/langs/sq_dlg.js content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/plugins/inlinepopups/editor_plugin.js content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/plugins/inlinepopups/editor_plugin_src.js content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/plugins/media/js/media.js content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/plugins/media/langs/ro_dlg.js content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/plugins/template/js/template.js content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/themes/advanced/langs/de.js content invalid
./class/xoopseditor/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/themes/simple/langs/de.js content invalid
./class/xoopsform/formdhtmltextarea.php content invalid
./images/banners/xoops_flashbanner2.swf content invalid
./include/calendar.js content invalid
./include/checklogin.php content invalid
./include/common.php content invalid
./include/old_functions.php content invalid
./install/common.inc.php missing !
./install/index.php missing !
./install/install_tpl.php missing !
./install/makedata.php missing !
./install/page_configsave.php missing !
./install/page_dbconnection.php missing !
./install/page_dbsettings.php missing !
./install/page_end.php missing !
./install/page_langselect.php missing !
./install/page_modcheck.php missing !
./install/page_pathsettings.php missing !
./install/page_siteinit.php missing !
./install/page_start.php missing !
./install/page_tablescreate.php missing !
./install/page_tablesfill.php missing !
./install/prototype.js missing !
./install/style.css missing !
./install/class/cachemanager.php missing !
./install/class/dbmanager.php missing !
./install/class/index.html missing !
./install/img/background.png missing !
./install/img/banner_bg.png missing !
./install/img/bg-globalnav.png missing !
./install/img/bullet-current.png missing !
./install/img/bullet-disabled.png missing !
./install/img/bullet.png missing !
./install/img/ffffff-25.png missing !
./install/img/ffffff-75.png missing !
./install/img/form-input.png missing !
./install/img/help.png missing !
./install/img/index.html missing !
./install/img/logo.png missing !
./install/img/no.png missing !
./install/img/no_big.png missing !
./install/img/shadow.png missing !
./install/img/table-caption-grey.png missing !
./install/img/title-bl.png missing !
./install/img/title-br.png missing !
./install/img/title-inner.png missing !
./install/img/title-tl.png missing !
./install/img/title-tr.png missing !
./install/img/warning.png missing !
./install/img/wizard_bg.png missing !
./install/img/yes.png missing !
./install/img/yes_big.png missing !
./install/language/index.html missing !
./install/language/english/finish.php missing !
./install/language/english/index.html missing !
./install/language/english/install.php missing !
./install/language/english/install2.php missing !
./install/language/english/mysql.lang.data.sql missing !
./install/language/english/welcome.php missing !
./install/sql/index.html missing !
./install/sql/mysql.data.sql missing !
./install/sql/mysql.structure.sql missing !
./kernel/handlerregistry.php content invalid
./kernel/notification.php content invalid
./modules/system/admin/banners/main.php content invalid
./modules/system/admin/blocksadmin/blocksadmin.php content invalid
./modules/system/admin/groups/groups.php content invalid
./modules/system/admin/userrank/main.php content invalid
./modules/system/admin/users/users.php content invalid
./modules/system/class/gui/exm/css/style.css content invalid
./modules/system/class/gui/exm/templates/admin/system_indexcp.html content invalid
./modules/thadmin/class/menu.php content invalid
./themes/index.html content invalid
./themes/default/index.html missing !
./themes/default/screenshot.png missing !
./themes/default/style.css content invalid
./themes/default/styleMAC.css content invalid
./themes/default/styleNN.css content invalid
./themes/default/theme.html content invalid
./themes/default/theme_blockcenter_c.html content invalid
./themes/default/theme_blockcenter_l.html content invalid
./themes/default/theme_blockcenter_r.html content invalid
./themes/default/theme_blockleft.html content invalid
./themes/default/theme_blockright.html content invalid
./themes/default/xo-banner_bg.png missing !
./themes/default/xo-info.php missing !
./themes/default/xoops-logo.png missing !
./themes/default/xoops-logo.psd missing !
./themes/default/icons/favicon.ico missing !
./themes/default/icons/index.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/index.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/screenshot.gif missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/theme.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/css/blocks.css missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/css/content.css missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/css/forms.css missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/css/index.html missing !
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./themes/zetagenesis/css/style.css missing !
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./themes/zetagenesis/icons/favicon.ico missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/icons/icon.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/icons/index.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/icons/action/friend.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/icons/action/index.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/icons/action/pdf.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/icons/action/printable.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/icons/users/configuration.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/icons/users/exit.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/icons/users/home.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/icons/users/inbox-full.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/icons/users/inbox.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/icons/users/index.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/icons/users/profile.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/bg-ad-top.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/bg-left_block.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/bg-left_blockcontent.gif missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/bg-left_blocktitle.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/blank.gif missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/button-hover_bg.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/button_bg.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/centerblock-bl.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/centerblock-br.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/centerblock-inner.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/centerblock-inner_old.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/centerblock-tl.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/centerblock-tr.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/form-button.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/form-input.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/header-bg-small.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/header-bg.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/header-bg_big.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/header-bg_small.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/header-logo.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/header-logo_big.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/index.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/input_bg.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/navbar-bg.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/table-caption3.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/img/table-caption_grey.png missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/xotpl/blockszone.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/xotpl/centerblocks.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/xotpl/globalnav.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/xotpl/index.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/xotpl/userbar.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/xotpl/xobanner.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/xotpl/xobanner_commercial.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/xotpl/xofooter.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/xotpl/xometas.html missing !
./themes/zetagenesis/xotpl/xoscripts.html missing !
./uploads/index.html content invalid
./xoops_lib/modules/protector/language/fr_utf8/modinfo.php content invalid
./xoops_lib/modules/protector/language/spanish/modinfo.php content invalid
./xoops_lib/modules/protector/library/HTMLPurifier/ElementDef.php content invalid
./xoops_lib/modules/protector/library/HTMLPurifier/Generator.php content invalid
./xoops_lib/modules/protector/library/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef/HTML/ID.php content invalid
./xoops_lib/modules/protector/library/HTMLPurifier/Lexer/PH5P.php content invalid
There are 3285 files checked.
Please remove the file ./checksum.md5 and checksum.php as soon as possible.

NOTE: since the website is blank when accessed, how would I access the administration to set the blocks to invisible? I seem to have forgotton how to do this. I appreciate any info..

Re: How ro upgrade from xoops 2.0.15 to latest version (2.3.2b) ?
  • 2008/12/20 2:15

  • ghia

  • Community Support Member

  • Posts: 4953

  • Since: 2008/7/3 1

Your zip seems incomplete and/or the file uploading failed.
Install or upgrade, the file check should be OK before continuing.
The admin can be reached at /admin.php .


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