Yes I know a ticker plugin system, thats okey - I am thinking about writting when I get to the multixoops soon, a ticker system. that does that sort of thing, that is the base of the currency..
You know where you monitor what you are thinking about in a ticker system. I don't know I see all those companies that you know "Charge for feeds" I don't know why they don't use something I am going to make..
You can even wire that plugin there into X-Soap quiet easy. And feed it onward.
The ticker system you could build for currency in the multidomain stuff is like that RSS is a light weight format it would exchange even faster than an API, in push those numbers.. For example with any SOAP Tunnel it encrypts basis on eithers personal information and serialises (to lock ciphers).. Then on with the transaction..
Anyway the trade is like this..
http://clt.currency.ticker.chronolabs.net/?trade=FOO -> this is when you trade FOO against CLT...
http://clt.currency.ticker.chronolabs.net/?trade=BAR -> this is when you trade BAR against CLT...
or for example further more:
http://usd.currency.ticker.chronolabs.net/?trade=MXO -> this is when you trade MXO against usd...
and so on..
Any suggestion about ticker plugin sets - where you can make subdomains with plug-ins to cPanel and stuff.. So it propogates on adding a Plugin Set for a subdomain like currency.ticker.yoursite.com and so on. so the module
ticker -> with for example plugin set
currency which breaks out to subdomains propogation with the further subdomain plugin sets...