Maybe the FCKeditor extension for MediaWiki used in the MediaWiki for XOOPS <=1.71 does not use the same format as the official one in MediaWiki.
If it is the issue, it will not be easy to correct without doing everything by hand.
There is a new FCKeditor extension for MediaWiki available on the mediawiki website, and this one uses the good format, but probably needs a newer version of MediaWiki.
I worked this summer on updating mediawiki for xoops, but did not manage to find time to finish everything properly.
If this is not your issue, try to comment every line on your LocalSettings.php concerning FCKeditor, in order to remove completely the extension from MediaWiki.
Regarding the different looks on your site and the xoops.org one, it's just the skin which is different (yours is in MediaWiki mode, and here it's XOOPS mode).