When istalling the module I get two messages:
Notice: Deprecated function 'mod_getIP', user XoopsUserUtility directly. in file /Frameworks/art/functions.user.php line 20
Warning: Insert failed - the object 'Topic' is not dirty in file /class/model/write.php line 180
first one can be ignored I think, because it is intentional.
For me it is a developer message and not of interest of users for troubleshooting their modules or system. In general the XOOPS system should run error free when debug is on and that means no warnings, no notices.
For me these intentional notices should switched off and only a general preference or variant in the debug setting should show them. For regular debugging, they should stay silent.
The second looks more serious.
# XOOPS Version: XOOPS 2.3.0 RC2
# PHP Version: 5.2.5
# MySQL Version: 5.0.51a
# Server API Version: apache2handler
Everything from the add-on package has been brought in the installation, except the WYSIWYG editors (FCK Koivi, Tinymce).
To get them working there are no other install instructions then
upload /xoopseditor/ to /XOOPS/class/ => /XOOPS/class/xoopseditor/:
3.1 ./dhtmlext(all editors)/language/: make your local langauge file based on english.php
3.3 ./dhtmlext(all editors)/editor_registry.php: set configurations for the editor: order - display order in case editor selection is used, 0 for disabled; nohtml - works for non-html syntax
That was what I did and yet they are not selectable in the Forum, until you set nohtml to 1 in
xoops_editorlist.php I like the THAdmin module, because it resembles best to the functionality that was present in 2.2.X . Is it realy necessary, that a separate module has to be installed? Could it not be simply activated like the other three options for the admin panel? (There was one added since last release)
Enabling ThAdmin gives regular these messages while running:
Notice: Undefined index: xoTheme in file /class/textsanitizer/image/image.php line 42
Notice: Undefined index: xoTheme in file /class/textsanitizer/image/image.php line 42
In the blocks module, I miss the page options for visibility. Now it is only selectable on module level. In 2.2.6 I have a lot more options:
<select name="module[10][]" multiple="multiple" size="8">
<optgroup label="System Level">
<option label="Admin Frontpage" value="0-2">Admin Frontpageoption>
<option label="Top Page" value="0-1">Top Pageoption>
<option label="All Frontside Pages" value="0-0" selected="selected">All Frontside Pagesoption>
<optgroup label="Profiel">
<option label="All module pages" value="2-0">All module pagesoption>
<option label="User Info" value="2-1">User Infooption>
<option label="Edit User" value="2-2">Edit Useroption>
<option label="Search" value="2-3">Searchoption>
<optgroup label="Berichten">
<option label="All module pages" value="3-0">All module pagesoption>
<optgroup label="Nieuws">
<option label="All module pages" value="4-0">All module pagesoption>
<option label="Nieuwsarchief" value="4-1">Nieuwsarchiefoption>
<option label="Nieuws inzenden" value="4-2">Nieuws inzendenoption>
<option label="Kategorie lijst" value="4-3">Kategorie lijstoption>
<optgroup label="Sudoku">
<option label="All module pages" value="6-0">All module pagesoption>
<optgroup label="Forum">
<option label="All module pages" value="19-0">All module pagesoption>
<optgroup label="Winkel">
<option label="All module pages" value="9-0">All module pagesoption>
<optgroup label="Linken">
<option label="Inzenden" value="10-0">Inzendenoption>
<option label="Meest bekeken" value="10-1">Meest bekekenoption>
<option label="Hoogste beoordeling" value="10-2">Hoogste beoordelingoption>
<optgroup label="Site Statistics">
<option label="All module pages" value="11-0">All module pagesoption>
<option label="Statistieken" value="11-1">Statistiekenoption>
<option label="Hit Details" value="11-2">Hit Detailsoption>
<option label="Toon alle Referrers" value="11-3">Toon alle Referrersoption>
<optgroup label="Foto Albums">
<option label="All module pages" value="12-0">All module pagesoption>
<optgroup label="Kaart">
<option label="All module pages" value="13-0">All module pagesoption>
<optgroup label="Formulaire">
<option label="All module pages" value="17-0">All module pagesoption>
<optgroup label="Kontakteer ons">
<option label="All module pages" value="15-0">All module pagesoption>
<optgroup label="Opiniepeiling">
<option label="All module pages" value="21-0">All module pagesoption>